Chapter 11 - Then

Start from the beginning

Hoseok and Jimin exchange a glance, one that, from the gleam in their eyes, I know can only mean trouble. "Sorry for what?" Hoseok giggles.

"For not getting to finish whatever you and Jin started in the kitchen?" Jimin finishes, both of the erupting into a fit of laughter.

Namjoon turns bright red, his mouth dropping open as he tries to come up with a good comeback. I feel bad for him, I really do. When Jimin and Hoseok get something to tease you about, they could be relentless.

"Maybe you would know that feeling, Hoseok, if you had someone to start something with," Jin quips, immediately shutting Hoseok up. Jin turns toward Jimin, who's still giggling, staring him down. "And Jimin, can you really giggle when we all know that you and Yoongi haven't done anything?"

And KO'ed.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Hoseok says quickly. "Let's get this party started!"

We each down a shot, Hoseok and Namjoon complaining about the taste the whole time. Jimin, Jin, and I make no complaints, only taking the shot and going for a second one. Hoseok and Jimin go back to decorating the tree, or fighting about how they were going to get the star on the top. Jin sets the tray on the coffee table, coming over and grabbing my hands.

I don't even get to ask him what he's doing before he's tugging me towards them shouting: "I have an idea!" He plops me next to Jimin, giving me a smile. "You lift him up, Yoongi."

"Excuse me?"

"Lift Jimin so he can reach the top of the tree."

"No way," I deny, shaking my head.

"Why not?" Jimin whines, giving me the puppy dog eyes. "Please, Yoonie?"

"I'm probably not even able to do it," I mutter.

"As fucking if," Jimin scoffs. "I know you work out. And I've seen those muscles." He gives me a wink, leaving me blushing. "Come on, babe! Let's be couple goals!"

I sigh, but relent anyway. If it made Jimin this excited, how could I say no? I step up, noting the way Jimin almost bounced with anticipation, a smile spread wide across his face. He turns around and I wrap my arms around his waist. "You ready?"


I lift, surprised at how easy it is. Jimin squeals with happiness and soon the room is filled with changing colors as Jimin places the star. I lower him slowly, careful not to drop him. When his feet are soundly on the floor again, Jimin whips around, throwing his arms around me. "I knew you could do it!" He cheers, hugging me.

"Yeah, yeah. That's all fine and great," Hoseok cuts in. "But now that the tree is finished, guess what time it is?"

"Presents!" Jin yells, pulling in a big red bag. He always went a little overboard for this holiday. We all sit down in front of the tree, Jin at the head of the circle with me to his left and namjoon to his right, and the bag plopped right in the center. Most of us knew how Christmas worked in the Kim household, but since Jimin was new we all agreed that we should go over the rules. "Now, as we do every year, we put everyone's gifts in this bag. We'll hand them out as we get them, okay? When you get a gift, you open it. Then we'll continue on to the next one." We all nod, eager to get started. Jin smiles, clapping his hands together. "Great! Then let's get going!"

Jin pulls present after present, giving the next one once the previous one has been opened and looked over. Hoseok got a new bag from Namjoon and Jin - a clear one that seemed pointless to me but whatever, and a super expensive Kermit from me and Jimin.

Namjoon received books from Hoseok, sunglasses from Jimin, a notebook to write down his thoughts from me, and a blush-inducing whisper from Jin. Pretty sure none of us want to know what Jin got him.

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