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Unknown POV

How long have I been here? ... This endless void...

How much time has past? ... It's eerily calm to me after so many years?...Decades... Centuries?...

I keep seeing my goal, but it's always out of my reach... is my wish foolish?





Hah...hah...hah... Why do I try?...

I suffer, suffer, and suffer with no release... Wait...There may be a chance...'s time to try a little experiment.... Kukuku...




This should work now...kukuku...

Hopefully my other self can help that man...time for a renewal...

....My final experiment to obtain my desire....:GENESIS REBIRTH!!!...

A power surpassing that of the big bang happened. Preordained routes changing to become one and nothing can predict the fate of this new world. Separate universes will never be the same by the will of one individual. They saved the life of many people, but at a cost. Universes stayed separate, now become united...A rebirth of everything...


A beautiful evening transitioning to night. Illuminating the beautiful evening sky are colors of orange, a hint of red, the rapidly increasingly dark blue and violet covering the approaching night sky. A wonderful time to relax and have some fun in Konohagakure no Sato...

Stands full of food, lining a usually desolate street. Ninja and civilian alike enjoying each other presence. Drinking contests are abound, food competitions between the two groups are in full swing. The reason for the celebration is the defeat of the Kyuubi No Yoko otherwise known as the Nine-tailed Fox.

A beast known to cause natural disasters with just a flick of its tail. A creature of unparalleled power came during the night out of nowhere. It started to attack everything in sight. It took out a good portion of the village as a result of its attack before it was defeated by Minato Namikaze and, also known as the Yondaime Hokage , at the cost of his life. That day is today, October 10th, the day the Kyuubi was defeated. Many think the Fourth killed the Kyuubi, while others think differently...

"This way!" came the cry of a child running with another from a crowd ganging up on them. The children were about 7-years-old, but you couldn't really tell due to the both of them dealing with malnutrition. The first child had rags on, while the second child was slightly better in the clothes department. The first child was male, had white and raven hair slightly tinted with lavender, average height for a kid his age, and unique eye coloring. One eye has black sclera and the other had a scar running across his eye, while both had lavender color. The other child was slightly shorter of the two with black and blonde hair in a ponytail held together with a fox shaped hairpin. Like the other child, her eyes are unique due to heterochromia with one eye red and the other gold.

A high-pitched okay came from the child's companion. Normally running after a child is considered good, if the child is about to get themselves in trouble. On the other hand, it can mean they are running from danger. Sadly the latter is happening right now.

Genesis RebirthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora