Chapter Three - The Stranger

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Three days had past since I stumbled into the legendary town of Huntington and knocked someone unconscious. Well I say stumbled on it I was actually looking for it just never expected to find it. He was still recovering from hitting his head on those rocks, in and out of sleep the entire time. The doctor said he had concussion and would be fine soon that it wasn't anything major thank heaven's for that. I mean I knew I was clumsy but blinking heck didn't think I could actually bulldoze someone over whom I didn't even know was there. Grams always said this place existed I just never thought I'd get to be here in person. I grew up being told stories of this place and well here I am sat on a bed in a small hostel. They must not get many visitors just like Grams said because of the look the woman gave me when I booked my room. She looked like she had seen a ghost. She never said why they never got visitors though nothing of actual sense anyways. There was the curse she was always rambling on about that because I was the last living descendant of the Le Fleur woman that it was up to me to break the curse. Of course I never believed it I mean how could I?. Having an entire town cursed because a relative of mine was betrayed by a man isn't exactly something to be proud of anyways. Come on please what a cliche. Don't get me wrong being cast out of a town you called home by the very people you called family, pregnant and alone yeah I'd be pissed too but I don't think I could ever be that pissed to doom an entire town because they hurt me. I mean even if it is true that would be horrible on my relative's part to put all that responsibility on me. I am not a super hero I'm just a young woman who's just turned eighteen and besides if Cassandra was really a relative of mine then where are my powers?. Everything I have ever read about witches suggest that the gift of magic would be passed on to every woman in the family who had just turned sixteen in some cases but very few it was eighteen the women had to be before they received their magic. I turned eighteen, two weeks ago logic would dictate that I should have had them by now as apparently new witches are supposed to have them straight away or soon after. Mother always thought my grandmother was insane before she passed away. Naturally as a child it was interesting to begin with but as I got older the more ridiculous it seemed. So why am I here?. I don't understand why the pull was so strong. I guess now with grams gone I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Could the curse be real? I better find out for sure soon because if it was these people were in grave danger. As the legend or myth that they grew up with left out a vital part. If the town didn't accept a descendant of Cassandra Le Fleur then the whole town would cease to exist on the next full moon of this month, of this very year. I'm supposedly the last living descendant of hers with both my parents and grams gone I had no siblings or any other family for that matter so could I really risk the lives of these people if it is real?. It would be a lot on one person's shoulders if it was especially one as young as me. How would I even go about knowing for sure if it was or not anyways?. Honestly why couldn't I just have a normal family who didn't believe in witches and curses. Who didn't have their last living relative questioning it and with supposedly the fate of an entire town resting on their shoulders. This was madness I would literally drive myself insane if I stay on this bed wondering. I need to get out of here. I should go check on the young lad I accidentally tackled. I literally didn't see him as far as I could see no one was on the other side of that townline. Or maybe he was there I don't know it all happened so fast and the fact of the matter is me running that fast caused me to knock him over so hard that he got hurt. If I don't check on him it would be as bad as me not being on foot but in a car that knocked him over and drove away. At least that's how bad it would feel to me anyways. I only ran that fast because I thought if I ran across the line these was less chance of me chickening out and going home. The more I think about it though the other people he was with were surprised I was there saying "Where did she come from?" I don't know maybe they didn't see me approaching the townline from the other side or maybe they did. Oh well the point is I need to check on him.

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