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How Red was standing , none of the boys knew. He was beaten , bloody, and bruised but still somehow seemed intimidating. His breathing was heavily laboured, the pain he was experiencing still visible on his face, yet he was determined to fight. Determined to prove his worth
"Calling me weak, well you clearly don't know who I am! I guess word doesn't get around much when you decimate those who stand in your way, I'm brother to the Great and Terrible Papyrus, Captain of the Royal Guard.  Do you really think I don't stand a chance against YOU pip squeak!"

He stood strong with a hard stance, his eyes glared in to Blue's soul. Showing no mercy, no regret, and no remorse as he flung to first wave of attacks towards his opponent. Blue just looking extremely confused and distressed.

"alright, I've had enough of this already... go back to sleep"
Pap, didn't seem to show any emotion, just lazily leaning against the wall, and flung a wall of bones between Red and Blue. A cigarette still hung between his teeth as he summoned another bone , one ment to to annoy more than harm,  and prepared to toss it.
Within the instant of hearing his voice Red's attention had snapped towards him, his head had turned to Pap and the facade had shattered. Anger was replaced with shock and what looked like fear, the small skeleton began to stutter and shake. All the fire Red had inside him had vanished , almost like he was a different person.

"B-boss, I-I'm so sorry , I-I-I didn't know this was-s a new recruit"

Red stuttered as his breathing spead up and knees began to buckle. His eye lights firmly planted on Pap's skeletal hands watching their every move. Almost as if he's waiting for something.

"boss ? what the fuc-- oh shit...there he goes"
Paps voice went from confusion to flippant acknowledgement as Red passed out and hit the floor inform of him.

"guess I really scared him, huh?"

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