Prologue: A Day in the Capitol

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Llyza Snow flits around nervously in the control room. She's getting a few stares from the creepy older men in the back of the room, and she keeps pulling down her red minidress subconsciously. The rest of the people in the almost all white room ignore her, staring intently at the holograms in front of them, focusing on preparing for the games. Preparing for the arena, more precisely. 

Llyza isn't exactly supposed to be here at the moment, but being the dedicated and determined host she was, she needed something a little extra. Since she was new this year, she had to impress the audience and make a memorable first Quarter Quell. 

No one had ever seen inside the control room before, but Llyza needed to change that. Of course, she didn't want to reveal any spoilers about the arena, as that was always a huge surprise. But how everything was being put together... That did interest quite a few Capitol citizens.

Sticking her tongue out a bit in frustration, she waited for the Head Gamemaker, Carrie Mastern to arrive. Carrie had been the master mind for the past few Games, and was expected to make this one the best yet. But underneath the genius in the Games, Carrie was a bit.... unstable. Always making weird comments and going off on rants and having severe mood swings. Corrine scared many, but not Llyza. Needing to convince Carrie that she should get footage of the control room, Llyza wasn't going to act like the sweet little pushover she usually was. 

Glancing at the camerawoman beside her, Llyza bit her lip in disgust. The woman had on a cheetah print spandex suit that hugged her way too tight, and even had matching claws. Her blonde hair had cheetah print patterns dyed into it and teased so much it looked like it was in an afro, and the smokey eye makeup was so severe she seemed to be drowning in it. 

Some of these people are so ridiculous, Llyza thought. Llyza had not originally been from the Capitol. Her parents had been wanderers for the first thirteen years of her life, avoiding the Capitol, until they were found on some deserted plains... And killed. Llyza was spared but was whisked away to the Capitol and used as a work mule until she was 18. 7 years later, and she had made quite a big name for herself.

She wasn't proud of it. Interviewing poor kids about to get slaughtered? It practically made her sick... But she had had no choice. 

Tapping her foot impatiently, she sighed when Carrie finally came in. Carrie's dyed bright red hair was piled in a bow on the back of her head, and her head was cocked to the side in a slightly insane manner. 

"Lillian, so nice to see you!' she slurred. Carrie wasn't drunk, but she definitely sounded like it. It sounded funny with her high pitched Capitol accent, and with the added slurred esses and raise of the voice at the end of the sentence that came with the accent, she sounded quite odd. Normal to Capitols, but not normal to Llyza. She would never get used to it...

"Hello Miss Mastern," Llyza said, adressing her as the Gamemaker preffered. "It's Llyza, not Lillian," she added. Carrie blinked.

"That's what I said...? Oh, never mind your hearing," Carrie waved her hand dismissively. "Why was I called down here? You interrupted my afternoon tea!" Afternoon tea in the morning... okay. 

"Well, I know I already asked, and you so kindly refused," yeah, if yelling at me and having your guards drag me away as if I were some criminal is considered kind, "But I am telling you, I need some footage of this room. I will not leave without a yes." Llyza rose to her full height, getting rid of her slouch and standing an inch above Carrie, who, in high heels, was still only five foot four, while Llyza had on flats.

Carrie simply rolled her eyes. "Listen, Lillian --"

"Llyza --"

"That's what I said. I appreciate your determination, but there is a reason this room has never been shown! I'm not even quite sure how you got in here, you're not supposed to be... And with a camera person! Hmph." Carrie narrowed her eyes at Llyza. She quite disliked the young twenty five year old. She was quite a threat to Carrie. Everyone liked the plain jane, and she was smart enough to even become a Gamemaker soon...

Plus her brother. Her younger brother, Coriolanus Snow... The little eighteen year old brat who lived in one of the Districts. 

The Capitol had wanted him as their work mule too, but he had escaped to a District, and technically, he was allowed to stay. 

So instead they pushed Llyza harder. In the girl's early years, she resisted quite often and was abused because it. She was threatened that if she did not do her work, they would kill her... and her brother. So after a while, she stopped the resistance.

Sure, Carrie still thought of Llyza as a stupid slave, but most people high up in the Capitol were whispering. She'll be big, they say, she'll be the next Gamemaker. 

So quite simply, Carrie hated Llyza. 

As the "stupid girl" continued to babble on, an idea formed in Carrie's head. Then a smirk on her face. Yes, yes, perfect.

Llyza will no longer be a threat...

The next day, Llyza was found dead at the bottom of the lake on the outsirts of the Capitol.

A/N: I hope you all like the prologue of my new Hunger Games story! I didn't have enough time to write it any longer or write a first chapter, nor do I have time to update my other stories. I'm supposed to be doing summer work at the moment, but shhh, I'm not. Anyways, this is dedicated to the AMAZING @unknown_princess, for making this cover for me! Amazing, right? Gah, I love it.

Anyways, I'm creating a background for Snow. I really liked Llyza, but... Well, things have to be done.

Carrie is crazy, right? Insane more like it... Poor Llyza... 

Hope you all liked this (I already said that, didn't I?).  xxxliz

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