A sleepover at my house!?

ابدأ من البداية

I nodded, moving my pointer from the bottles; feeling a flow a energy from my fingers; slowly lifting my hand. The water floating out of the bottle in mid air, taking the water near him, I closed my fist and opened it a second later. The water engulfed him in a giant sphere. I see Karasuma started to panic "Don't panic trust me" I whisper, he nods, he stoped fidgeting and allowed to be swallowed within the water.

I took both hands and closed my eyes. Just like I've practiced.... I took a deep breathe, slowly closing my fist slowly. Feeling my veins heat up with warmth. The water surrounding him began to glow a neon blue; once my hands were fully closed the cuts and bruises fully healed.

The water soon disappeared. I stumbled a little; leaning on a chair for support. I began tot pant, "Damn I've used a lot of energy today.." I said between breathes.
Karasuma rushes to me so I won't fall, he took out a needle from his back pocket and shoved a needle in my neck; I gave a small gasp as the dosages was injected within my veins.

"Karasuma what did you do?!" Irina ask a little worried.
"Don't worry; the drug is to restore her energy from what she used up today."
"Aww is Bitch-sensei worries about me~" I grinned slightly
She went wide eyed for a second but soon changed into a glare "To think I was worried about a brat like you!!"

We all gave a small chuckle, "You better get going back to the house you have guests" he gave me a small grin
I rolled my eyes and huffed out a sigh "Yea yea whatever. I'll have to cook and they are going to deal with it" I say with a grin as I walked out the door.

Karasuma and Irina gave a small chuckle as they left the office; a pair of crimson eyes was looking at the laptop that was sitting on the desk, the man quickly went over to the technology; reading over the data entries of the {y/n}. "My my; the young lord would love to hear this" he gave a small chuckle as he disappears to be with his master.

Time skip to them walking—-

The class began to make their way to {y/n} house; {y/n} and Karma lead the way. The other student began to chat about the fight they witnessed; the host club trying to understand what had happened.

"Ne Karma how do you know where her house is?" Kurahashi asked as she skipped up next to the two

"Easy, I've been there multiple times" He states rather calmly; a few grils blushed as the guys just looked shocked

"Woah!!!! What were you doing at {y/n} house?! I bet they were doing things they werent supposed to do!" Okijima states

{Y/n} glares and punched the back of his head, "Bastard is everything perverteed to you!" She yelled. The girl sighed heavily as she looked behind her at evryone, a few laughing, others having enjoyable conversations. She looked in the far back of the group to see Ciel and Sebastian talking, she focused on their lip and listening within their conversations.

"My lord I have news that could be very interesting to your liking.' Sebastian states as he held his hand acros his chest with a slight bow. The young girl cursed under her breath as she disappeared next to the duo.
"Haven't anyone ever told you snopping into other people business is very rude" She states behind the two males. They seem to be shocked on how quickly the female had made it to the back of the group to where they stand.
"H-How the bloody hell did you get here so fasts?!" Ciel said with shock
"I didn't even sense your presence.." Sebastian whispers
"So tell me Sebas-chan what is it that you have acquired? It isn't about me is it?" I asked innocently while tilting my head to the side.

The boys was about to say something when Karma had announced our arival. I grinned and walked t the front to hear some of my classmates gasping and in awe at the type of house I live in.

"Welcome guy! There are enough room for you guys to share just like in Kyoto; and the training room is the last door in the hall way and down the stairs."I annonced as we went inside. I gave a sigh as hey all started to make their way

"Cool!! {y/n}-chan has a training room" Hikaru mentioned as he went next to me. I was going to say something when Karma removed his arm and glared. I looked up at Karma with shocked eyes. "Karma you okay?"
He looked at me and gave one of his evil grins "I'm fine why don't you cook us up some of your cooking you know how much I love it" he blew on my ear as he walked away. I flushed a little. Shaking my head to go in the kitchen to start cooking.

Time skip--

It took me a solid hour in half to finish the cooking but I think I did a pretty good job! I made some Spanish food that I've learned how cook back at home (insert Spanish food too lazy to put) The whole house smelled like the food and frankly my stomach was growling louder and louder by the second.

"Guys!!! Food is ready!" I yelled; after a few minutes I heard footsteps coming from the training room to the dining area.

"Wow! Amazing!" A few girls gasps

"This looks amazing! Who knew you can cook!" Tamaki says while spinning around dramatically. I glared as I rolled my eyes.

"Don't just stand there?! Dig in!!" I smiled as they all engaged in conversation and ate.

I sneaked away to head to my room. I needed to get the drug shot in my neck and since Karasuma isn't here that's not possible; ugh I guess I'll be doing it myself. Omg I sound like those class A brats....

I dig through my bag to find the needle. Sighing in relief I move my hair to the side. Biting my lips as a nervous sweat fell down my forehead as I inched the needle closer to my neck. Only a few centimeters away I was caught off by a small chuckle. My head turned quickly to see a small shadow standing in the door way. I squinted to see...Ciel Phantomhive?!

I gave a glare at the child "What do you think you're doing in my room."

"What your room? I had no idea?" He gave a small nudge of his shoulders as he took a step closer; eyeing the needle in my hands.

Just the second he step forward I took out a Anti-sensei knife from my leg strap, throwing it at him within seconds. It was inches from his face when Sebastian caught it within his fingers. "Tch I was wondering where you were"

"My my isn't it rude to throw knives at your guests?" Sebastian states as he looks at the knife with confusion.

"It wasn't rude; mealy self defense of a young female whos privacy was violated aren't I right Sebas-chan~?" I can physically see him flinched from the nickname.

"Ahem. What is that needle?" Ciel says as he steps closer along with Sebastian.

"I am not obligated to tell you anything now leave" I stated with a hint of anger. Can you blame me? This kid just came into my room!?

"Your were the one who said we can explore hour house so we were only following orders He gave a grin.

"Ohh do your idea is peeping into girls rooms? My aren't you a little scandalous my lord I laughed slightly as I saw him get flushed.

"Th-That is not what I am here for!?" He shakes his head to try and shake off his blush

"Then what do I owe the pleasure of having Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian Michealis in my room." I looked at the two with amusing eyes as they held a serious monotone look.

This will be interesting wouldn't you agree~?

The Assassination Classroom is real?!  (Various x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن