❣ Prologue ❣

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"Sometimes it pays to keep your mouth shut."

- Unknown


Her footsteps soft like a willow's voice in the blooming season, the wind entangling with the platinum blonde strands of her hair, her heart beating like the waves of the sea right before the storm-

She walks with Fear himself.

"I'm usually the one who doesn't comply with deals, my dear. But it seems as if I don't have to be, since of course, you are." He spoke. His skin was a sickening pale color, his hair was slick back, and his eyes glowed yellow.

"I told you, I'm working on it." She snapped.

Fear's eyes darkened. The two came to a halt, and he pinned her to the wall with a force of extremity.

"Is that so, Elsa? You told me? Well let me tell you what I am going to do with you, since obviously being nice won't get the job done."

Black sand seeped through his fingertips, and his eyes were aflame.

"I may have forgiven you for past mistakes, but I will NOT be lenient on you this time. You have failed me yet again. You should've been dead the first time."

"Please don't do th-"

"Don't try to get yourself out of this one, Elsa. We had a deal, and you broke it- again."

"I'm sorry." She pleaded.

"Sorry isn't good enough." His fingers trailed to her lips. "Maybe this will teach you how to respect."

Darkness consumed her.


And that my friends.... Is what I call a preamble. Thank you for being patient with me as I slowly update.

I did change the plot- a lot.

Bear in mind that Elsa is NOT dead. Okay? Okay.


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