❣ Chapter Two ❣

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"You often meet your fate on the road you take to avoid it."

- French Proverb

Elsa's POV


The reason I've isolated myself for years. The reason I can't socialize with others. The reason why I don't love myself like I used to.

Why this guy was prying into my personal life was incomprehensible. No one ever dared converse with me. And, to be honest, I was okay with that. I can't hurt anyone if they don't get close.

At the same time though, I was lonely.

But just having Jack talk to me made me feel good. Like I actually had a shot at making friends. Well, a friend at least.

But I shouldn't be tempted.

I'm dangerous; a complete monster.

My sister, Anna, doesn't think I'm weird because I don't talk.


She ignores me because she's scared of me. Imagine that! My own flesh and blood, afraid of me. But that's because she knows about my secret- she's the only one that knows about it.

And I'm gonna keep it that way.

Whatever reason Jack Frost has to want hang out with me can stay with him. I don't need his reasoning.

But one thing's for sure-

Jack Frost will never find out the truth about me.


Jack's POV

A few words were thrown here and there and that was pretty much it with my conversation with Elsa. The bell rang and, before you knew it, her and I had split separate ways.

I had met up with The Big Four in the hallway. Hiccup had jumped on top of my back and almost made me stumble to the floor.

"Yo, Frost, where've you been? You didn't come to lunch today." He ruffled my hair.

I laughed. "I did, I just hung out with someone else."

"Ay, the wee lad's flying out the nest now, aren't ye?" Merida asked, before smacking her lips on mint gum.

"I don't know, but I saw Frosty with a girrrrlll." Rapunzel teased.

Hiccup elbowed me in the stomach.

"Oh... And who might that've been, hmm? Don't tell me it's that cute new girl, Astrid." You could hear the hint of jealousy in his voice, even though he was trying to maintain his cool.

"No, no, no. I know you've got your eye on her, Hic. I'm not that type of guy," I shook my head.

You would know, if you knew how I felt about Punz.

"I actually sat with a girl named Elsa... Winters? I think that's her last name," I replied.

Hiccup and Merida exchanged looks before bursting out in laughter.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Wow Jack, never knew you had a thing for mutes. Maybe the only reason she let you sit by her was because she couldn't tell you to go to he-" Hiccup began, but was interrupted by Rapunzel.

"Hiccup, that's not nice!" She scolded.

I waved my hand. "No, it's fine, Rapunzel, really. I'm just so glad you guys are so supportive of me making new friends."

I walked away.

Just when I was about to head to my next class, I heard a faint chant that yelled: "Fight, fight, fight, fight!"

"Aren't you a little too old to be playing the Shun Game, Elsa? I mean, you've basically ignored everyone in this school." I heard the voice of Toothiana taunt. Elsa.

I shuffled my way through the student body and saw Elsa, crying, on the ground, with Tooth standing by.

"And to think that you have the audacity to sit with Jack! Don't you know your limits?!" Toothiana screamed in envy.

I didn't know how angry I was until I shouted, "Enough!" so loud the hallways echoed in my dismay.

"Don't you guys have anything else to do? Get lost!" I yelled at the now-astonished crowd.

In seconds, all of them fled.

"Jack, I-" Tooth began.

"Shut it."

So what if Tooth's part of The Guardians? Beats me. She deserved no respect from me.

"Why are you wasting your time with her when you have me?" She cried.

I didn't have to answer her, so I just picked up Elsa (whom had a really bad bloody and bruised nose) bridal style and walked away.


"And what happened here?" The nurse asked me as I set Elsa down on the bench.

"She was playing dodgeball... And she got hit so hard she fell face-first." I lied.

I may have no respect for Toothiana, but I know she would ruin Elsa's life even more if I were to snitch.

The nurse nodded like she believed me.

"I see... And so you, a boy, were told to carry her here?"

I gulped, "Well, yeah. The other girls were too weak to carry her, so I did."

The nurse shook her head. "Whatever. You can go now, Mr. Frost."

I was hesitant to leave Elsa there, but I managed to get a smile out of her before I left, so I think it was worth it.

She looked cute when she smiled.

Maybe, just maybe, Elsa was my way out of the guilt I carry for feeling this way towards Rapunzel, because when I made my way to class, my mind wouldn't focus the entire lecture.

I couldn't stop thinking about that smile of hers.


Sorry for the late and small update.

I didn't proof read.


I'll try to update as fast as I can when I have the time. Right now I'm working on a new book called "The Cold-Hearted Gang Leader". If you like action, thrillers, and romance you should check it out. It's a Jelsa fanfic (duh).

Vote, comment, follow!


Copyright © 2015 by Jelsa_Snowflakes

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