❣ Chapter One ❣

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"Fate brings people together no matter how far apart they may be."

- Chinese Proverb

(A/N the story begins with Third Person POV but the rest of the chapters are in First Person)

Jack's POV

"Hey Jack!" Rapunzel greeted me with a large, flashing smile.

"Hey, Punz. What's up?"

"The sky, the birds, the-"

My eyes rolled, "You know what I meant."

She laughed. "Well, besides the fact that today is Eugene and I's one year anniversary... Oh you know, nothing special."

"I'm still in utter shock that you said yes to a stern guy like him. You two are like polar opposites."

She laughed. "You know what they say though, opposites do attract." She blushed. "Speaking of love, how's ole Frosty's love life?"

"For the last time, I'm okay being single!" I replied, with a hint of annoyance.


She sighed. "Don't sweat it, Jack. It's only junior year; you'll end up dating one of your fangirls eventually!" She joked.

"But fangirls scream too much..." I whined.

She laughed. "Well then maybe you'll run into the 'girl of your dreams' someday."

I already have.

"Yeah, right."

Looking at the clock, she muttered, "Anyways, I've got to get to class now... See ya later!"

Class started in 15 minutes.

That's Rapunzel for you, always the earliest of the birds.

"Alright, see ya." I chimed.

She gave me a quick hug, then walked away with her long golden hair shifting from side to side. A voice rang in my head:

Tsk, tsk. Always want what you can't have, huh Jack?

Oh, shut up. I'd never blind side Eugene like that.

As I was battling with my thoughts, someone collided into me and evidently, their books sprawled to the floor. It was a girl. She had platinum blonde hair, berry tinted lips, and baby blue eyes. She was stunning.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I asked, grabbing for her books.

She didn't respond. She just looked at me, picked up her books, and fled from my sight.



At lunch, I usually sit with my group known as "The Big Four." It included Rapunzel, Merida, Hiccup and me. I guess you could say we were somewhat 'popular' but, not as much as The Guardians were—they were the idols of the school. Anyone would kill just to sit next to them.

I bought my lunch and went to sit down, but I was momentarily distracted when I saw that same girl I ran into sitting all alone at a table. She looked quite lonesome as she picked at her plate.

What came over me as I decided to sit down with her is beyond me.

"Hey," I greeted her with a large grin. I attempted a "Rapunzel greeting" so that maybe she would talk to me this time.

She still didn't respond.

Did you say or do something wrong to this chick? Damn, you don't even know the girl and she hates you already!

I wish consciences had mute buttons.

"Um... Helloooo?" I tapped her shoulder, and she finally turned around.

"Do you just hate everyone around you or what?" I asked in a slightly harsh tone.


She stuttered at first and then started to move her hands. I think she's speaking something called... Sign language. Maybe she's deaf.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Are you... Deaf?" I mentally slapped myself right after asking that. If she was deaf, she couldn't hear me! I'm such an idiot!

The girl didn't make a confused look as I thought she would. Instead, she shook her head and pointed to her throat.

So she's... Mute.

"Oh my god. You can't speak. That's why you said nothing."

I am an IDIOT.

She nodded her head and then turned away, embarrassed.

Nice going, Jack.

I'm trying, okay?!

I put my hand on her shoulder in order to redeem myself. "Hey, it's okay."

She jolted at my touch and I slowly retracted my hand. Then she looked at me with her stunning blue eyes, and I swear if looks could kill I'd be a dead man.

"May I sit?"

She nodded hesitantly.

"So... What's your name?"

Why do you even bother asking, Jack? She's mute, you neanderthal!

The girl grabbed a notebook and pen out from the bag lying next to her. It made me feel slightly better knowing that she took no offense to my question.

On the notebook she started to write her name:

Elsa Winters.

"That's a pretty name... Elsa."

She smiled.

Thank you. And you?

"I'm Jack. Jack Frost."

Alright, Jack.

"So where are all of your friends?" I asked subconsciously.

She frowned.

I could hear my conscience yelling at me,

You blew it again, Jack! Stupid idiot, stupid!

After mentally dying, I looked at her notebook again. It read:

I don't have any... Everyone thinks I'm weird because I can't speak. Even my sister.

That made me frown.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe... we could hang out sometime?" Words just love to automatically flow out of my mouth, don't they? How embarrassing.

Her eyes widened. She quickly scribbled on the paper.

No... Sorry.

Well... There goes my pride.

Maybe I came on too strong?

No, she just doesn't like you because you're the worst.

She probably saw the small look of disappointment I gave, because seconds later she scribbled:

It's not because I don't like you. It's because I'm dangerous.

I frowned. What could that mean?

"Dangerous? How so?"

She looked at me with concern, and then wrote:



I'm utterly depressed with this chapter.

For one, it feels like a fill-in chapter.

Like, Jack and Elsa meet.

That sums up the entire 900+ word chapter.

But feel free to comment some friendly advice to help me make my story more interesting for you guys!


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