Jewel's POV Chapter 105 The Miguel Plan

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While in the car heading to where ever we are going Miguel pulls out his phone and dials a number. As soon as the person answers Miguel starts in, "Hey, princess figured it out so there is going to be a change of plans. We can't wait for him to back down, it's time to force him out, but I think he'll be more than willing to do that now." I hear some silence from Miguel while he listens to the other end. "She figured out the photo was altered, and linked it to you. I am moving her to the secondary location, but we got this. Daryl made it even easier for us, he never filed the paperwork and he knocked her up."

I listen on in shock realizing what has been going down. He is not out for vengeance. He is after Daryl's business, but why? Daryl said he makes as much as him with the exception of the business costs. So, is there something I am missing, and why is Miguel working with Chuck? What the hell is going on? I wonder if I can get Miguel to talk? He is still on the phone listening to I am guessing Chuck. "Well just play it cool for the day. The less he knows the better, we can be well prepared by the time he figures it out. Also, stall him as much as possible, but don't do anything to his vehicle this time. I don't want him dead."

The last comment didn't go unnoticed. It sounds like Chuck did that without Miguel's permission, and just that little piece of information makes a lot of the 'mistakes' make more sense. Chuck put the pictures on the car, and he puts them in. Chuck do something to scare them a bit too, and he tries to kill us. Maybe he is a bit twisted and over-zealous, or maybe he is just a bit simple and playing it off well. Either way with the things he has done I look at Miguel with his serious nature and over bearing size and secretly wonder which is more dangerous. They are clearly both unbalanced in some way or this wouldn't be happening. I wait to see what else Miguel is going to say after he listens, but what can I honestly do to help Daryl. I have no way of telling him anything. He is at his event with sadistic Chuck lurking after him. "Okay well we just have to keep each other informed. Call me if anything changes. Don't act suspicious." 

I notice we have been on the road for quite a while now I have been trying to focus on road signs, but my thoughts keep pulling me away and it's not like I have a way to tell anyone anything right now. I also have to be less reckless then I normally would be. I look down at the hand that hasn't left my stomach since those words were uttered. I know it's only a vague possibility, but it still fills me with a slight twinge of joy. I could currently be carrying my new family. I hate that this unconfirmed piece of information is being used against him, because I know how much it would mean to him. He will never come out and say it, but family means everything to him.

The more I think about that last though I realize I feel bad for Miguel. Family does mean everything to Daryl, and Miguel just took a part of his. I don't fully know what Daryl is going to do or what he is capable of. I have only seen little glimpses of deadly serious Daryl, like the day he jumped off the balcony into the pool. We stop at a gas station and he fills up the tank giving me a firm warning that I can still end up in the trunk. I do make note of the name, but when he gets back in the car though he pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and tells me to cover my eyes with it for the remainder of the trip. I at first tie it loose so I can still see through where it falls, and then he warns me about what ending up in the trunk can mean. I quickly tie it nice and tight not willing to take any chances.

In about thirty more minutes we pull to a stop. I have no way of knowing if we made it all the way to Pennsylvania, or he just drove around in circles for an hour and a half. He tells me take off the makeshift blind fold and go inside. I pull it from my eyes taking in the area around me, but there isn't much to take in. We are in the middle of thick woods, probably in the mountains, and it's dark. That's why he stayed gone longer, so it would be dark. That doesn't make any sense though it was midday. 

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