Jewel's POV Chapter 18 Raised

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I woke up early, so that I can go home and get ready for work. Daryl groaned as I got up from bed but did not wake. He even looked in pain in his sleep. What did they give him for pain last night. He is still so asleep. Once the bed settles out, he looks like a little boy again. It is the most adorable thing ever. I really don't want to leave him.

I cannot miss work after being rewarded with a ½ day though. What would that look like? I already miss my warm spot right next to him, curled against his shoulder. I decide to write him a note like he wrote me.  I have an idea though. I go in the bathroom and look over myself. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. I run my fingers through my hair a bit and throw it up. I go grab the maid outfit, because it's either that a Versace dress, a bathing suit, or a bathrobe.

I put it on and go downstairs. I need to find Daryl's pants. I go down to the pool, but his things have long been picked up. I go over to the chair anyways, and there it is. The sketch of my dress. I grab it and go back upstairs. I scrawl on the back of it.

'We never got around to that talk, and I think it's even more important after last night. I did have a really great evening despite what happened. I hope I didn't hurt you any more than you already were. Sincerely yours. Jewels
P.S. Nice Sketch!!!

I like when he calls me that. He doesn't know it yet, but I will be back tonight after work to see if he is okay.

I call an Uber and finish getting myself together in his bathroom. The toothbrush he left for me the other morning is in the holder there. That is kind of adorable. I put it to use and grab my things besides the red dress I leave that hanging there. It makes me smile. Maybe it will make him smile too. I give him one last look before I leave. He looks like a little boy caught in a bad dream. I am sure it's probably because every breathe taken with cracked ribs hurts.

I climb onto the bed to give him one last kiss before I go. My weight on the bed shifts Daryl and he groans. Maybe I should have left well enough alone. Since I am here now though I give him a quick peck on the lips. They look so soft and full I can't help it. I ease off the bed as gently as possible and place the note on top of his phone on the bedside table.

I go outside, hop into the waiting car and speed home to get ready for work today. I am there in no time, and I have to take Kujo out immediately. He is very mad at me. Poor baby, I wasn't planning on being gone all night. I try to make it a quick walk. I will have to come home today and give him a good run.

When I get back home I am in a frenzy, throwing clothes all over the place trying to decide what to wear. Somehow the standard doesn't seem right today. It is an extraordinary day, I should be in something extraordinary. I find a simple red satin slip dress and a little black blazer to go over it with my black strappy shoes. I don't know what my obsession with red is as of late, but I just like the way I feel in it now. I always used to feel like it was too flashy and called too much attention to myself, but not so much anymore.

I take a few minutes to pin up my curls, and brush my teeth. Then I slap on some moisturizer and mascara before heading out the door. I call a cab, and make my way to Carter Corp. I float into the building flashing Lisa an all too knowing winning smile. She nods back at me. We will talk soon.

I make my way to the elevator, and begin my wait. I am happily smiling away probably looking like a cat with a canary in their mouth. I suddenly feel all the hairs stand up on the back of my arm.  I turn to see no one other than Bitch Cassidy. Maybe my day won't be so rainbows and sunshine after all.

"Oh Miss. Clark just the person I was looking for today? Do you mind if I have a word with you?"

I am not prepared to do this without coffee! "Sure Miss. Spark, but I am very anxious to drop my stuff off at my desk and get started. So can I meet you in your office in a few, once I get settled in?" I can tell she wants to say something more. Her rubber band lips are snapping around as if trying to find something in my sentence to use as leverage, but there is nothing.

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