"You're it," said Anna as she ran towards the exit.

"Oh, so now you run fast huh? Come here you..." Ben said as he chased after her.

In the Hallway

Queen Idun was walking through the hallway, remembering how she doubts the boy for having strange abilities and how this boy was able to bring her family together once again, proving her incorrect. It was hard for Idun to see her youngest daughter being sad, not being able to be with her sister. What's worse is she doesn't know the real reason why Elsa is locking herself in her room. Ben was there to help when her daughters were in trouble. Ben puts himself in danger just to save Anna and Elsa. She remembered the terrified faces of her daughter when they were brought home with an unconscious Ben. Idun looks outside to see Anna running away from Ben. It would have been okay if they were on the ground, but they were on top of the trees. Then out of nowhere, Idun saw Anna fall and Ben falling after her trying to save her.

"Anna!" the queen screamed. The queen quickly ran toward the garden.

Back with Ben and Anna at the Garden

"Anna, come on, get down from there," screamed Ben as he climbs the tree after her.

"Catch me first. And relax, I know what I'm doing." Anna said, but then the trunk she's holding on snapped. "Never mind," Anna sarcastically said as she fell towards the ground.

"This is what exactly what I'm talking about," Ben said and proceeded to fall, trying to get to Anna before she reaches the ground. Ben reached Anna and grabbed her and then he transformed into Stinkfly then he lifted themselves up.

"Anna!" the queen screamed after slamming the door open but what she saw surprised her. Anna was fine, flying in midair with an insectoid creature. The queen quickly ran towards her as they landed in front of the queen safely.

"That was a really good catch," Anna said.

"Just be glad I caught you in time. I told you to be careful." Ben said in a high pitched voice as he landed on the ground and transformed back to his human form.

"Please, Anna, be more careful next time." The queen hugged her daughter tightly.

"I'll try mom," replied Anna.

"How about you two go to your room? You both get some rest." the Queen said.

"I'm kinda sleepy after playing all day so if you don't mind..." Ben said as he lied on the ground then closed his eyes.

"Ben you're such a goofball," Anna said the queen called a servant to carry Ben back to his room. When the queen and Anna arrived at Ben and Elsa's room, they saw a concerned Elsa looking over Ben.

"What happened to Ben?" said the concerned ice user.

"He's sleeping," Anna said.

"He is?" Elsa said, having second thoughts.

"Yes, he is sleeping." Anna truthfully said.

"Oh okay. Let him sleep here." Anna nodded as the queen and her daughters left to give Ben some space.

Inside Ben's Mind

Ben was walking in what seems to be a sewer. Ben kept walking until he heard a familiar voice. "Tennyson!"

"What was that?" He said, looking for the source of the voice.

"Tennyson!" The voice got louder.

"Was it calling me?" questioned Ben. Ben didn't hear anything else and kept walking. Ben kept walking until he saw a door. Ben, being curious decided to investigate. Ben opened the door and was blinded by the light. What Ben saw surprised him, a giant Vilgax standing in an empty room as he floats in front of him.

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