F... for Firsts!

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"I did not trap anyone. I just pushed a few buttons like showing their kissing picture and another of them hugging and looking passionately into each other's eyes to Bade Papa. Rest have been done by the elders. You yourself had said how Bhai was totally checking Khushi out during Akash Bhai's engagement and I always had doubt that Khushi had a crush on him. She is just a good actress and hid it well. Also they bicker so much that they fail to notice the sizzling chemistry between them. So, I decided to do them a favour."

Aman still looked at her expectantly. "That's it?"

"What?" She asked.

"Come on. How did you find the picture?" He probed further.

"Aman, dear, I love you but I am not stupid enough to disclose that well-kept secret to you yet. In your own words, you are Bhai's "chaddi-buddy". The moment I reveal it to you, it will magically reach Bhai and I don't want to die so soon. So yeah, not happening, sweetheart. Now, what are we waiting for? Movie is going to start in a few minutes."

With that, she gave him a sickly sweet smile and strode inside the theatre pulling him with her.


A Few hours later,


"What the hell Khushi! What exactly..." Arnav started, when he heard

"....again. Haha fooled you. This is my voicemail. I am not very busy currently. But yeah I maybe. So bubye."

"Pick up the damn phone."

"Hello again..."

"This girl won't let me live in peace." Arnav muttered reaching for his car keys.

Few minutes later, he was facing Payal who looked very inquisitive.

"Came to see Khushi?" Payal asked.

Arnav just smiled in return.

"She is gobbling her favourite sweet in her room and looks very irritated. I hope at least you can find out the reason."

"Thanks, Payal."

As he entered Khushi's room, he found her relaxing with a plate of jalebis in her hand, her eyes closed and she did not look the least bit irritated. Instead, she looked like she was in her usual jalebi-induced heaven. A burst of anger surged through him. "What the! You are having Jalebis here? Where is your phone?"

"Mmm... Tasty." Khushi moaned as the sweetness of Jalebi burst into her mouth. The oh-so-perfect moment was rudely broken by an Angry Raizada.

She held her phone out for him to see.

Arnav was stunned to say the least. "Care to explain?"

"What should I explain?"

"If you had your phone with you all this time, why the hell did you not receive my calls?"

Was he for real? First, he ditched her and didn't respond to her calls and when she did the same, he asked her to explain. Huh! But our Jalebi isn't the one to silently receive accusations and not utter a word. Of course, she was ready to give it back to him. She placed the plate of jalebis aside and stood in front of Arnav. Crossing her arms, she asked, "Well, you tell me why you didn't pick up my calls and why did you ditch me?"

So, she is now following the rule "Tit for Tat". Arnav mused.

"You never asked me if I wanted to go on a date. So, not my fault."

"Haaw! Agar baat aisi hai toh..."


And few spaces were covered by two pairs of feet. One forward, one backward and sadly there was no wall this time.

Jalebis and Chillies [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz