F... for Fishy!

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Chapter 5: F... for Fishy!

Arnav came home late in the night to find Avni sleeping on the couch and a bandage on her ankle. What happened to her? He wondered. But he was sure it was not serious, otherwise his very dramatic sister would have called him. Right? Wait! Did he actually check his phone after coming out of the meeting? Oh yes, except to shout at Khushi. He hadn't checked whom those five missed calls were from.

"Ma, what happened to Avni?" He asked, though got an answer from Manorama.

"Just a sprain. Don't know what important work she had that she had to skip stairs and sprain the ankle."

Sleeping on couch was definitely not going to help her condition so he carried her to her bedroom.

As he was about to leave the room, Avni's phone rang. Not wanting to disturb his sister, who was pouting in her sleep at the sudden intrusion, he checked who the call was from. Seeing Khushi's name flash on the screen, his mood soured. He was about to disconnect the call. However, the Universe was conspiring against him and so instead of disconnecting, his finger swiped in the opposite direction to rerceive the call. "Damn it! Why did Avni's phone had different feature?" He muttered to himself which was drowned by Jalebi's syrupy smooth voice.

"Hello Avni? I called to check if you are okay now. You took the medicines Aman prescribed, right? And yeah, I forgot, you have left your library card with me. Remember, when I came to pick you up after you called, you had thrust the card into my hand while balancing yourself. Hello? Avni? Are you on the line? Ek hello toh bol na... oii? Are you able to hear me? Uff! Hello? Ajeeb ladki hai."

And the line went dead, leaving Chilli slightly confused. Khushi picked Avni up? When and why? Why the hell did Avni call Khushi? Why didn't Avni call him? Or wait, did she actually call him? As he checked his log, he saw that there were four calls from Avni and one call was attended. Now all that was left was connecting two and two which Chilli was smart enough to do.

"Ma, who picked up Avni from her college?"He called out to his mother, who was passing by after checking on Avni.

"Khushi did. Avni said you and Akash were busy and she didn't want to worry your father. Don't know why she feels she has to do everything on her own. Thank God, Khushi took her to the hospital...."

The rest of her mother's rant fell to deaf ears as Arnav was gobsmacked now. The events had turned and twisted totally. He hadn't expected this. But seriously, why the hell did Khushi not tell that she was with Avni? Instead she had given him lectures on anger management! Seriously, who does that? Maybe he should have at least listened to what she had been saying? They could have saved all this if he had heard...


"Or if I had told him directly without giving into insane talks?" Khushi bit her lip as her folly hit her hard. She buried her face in her palms. Now how would she tell her parents that she was fired? She took in a deep breath to calm herself and decided to sleep and forget about the rest.

Cancelling her alarm as it was Sunday the next day, she lay on her bed. After a few seconds, she sprang up again as a sudden realisation dawned upon her. She need not work, she need not get up early, she could keep on eating and most importantly she need not face that obnoxiously handsome rude fellow.

Hallelujah! She did a mental jig at that. Wasn't this that she had been wanting and waiting for? Arnav to fire her? Yes, this had been her sole motto since Day one of her joining RHF since if she had resigned, she would have been forced to rejoin office by her Amma. She had been planning since long and today unknowingly, she had finally achieved that feat. This was indeed for the best! Now all she needed to think was a way to put up a convincing drama in front of her parents so that they believe her story. Moreover, she wasn't entirely at fault, was she?

Jalebis and Chillies [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora