Chapter 13

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The impact of being pushed out the way had made me hit my head on the ground, causing me to go dizzy. It was only when I heard the sound of Niall shouting Lola’s name that I came to my senses. I sat up, my vision going blurry, but I followed to sound of Niall trying to get Lola to talk to him. The man had managed to get the car under control, parked it, and had also come running over. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean…I just…” he trailed off, not knowing what to say. “Lola. Please speak to us.” I heard Niall whisper. My vision was slowly coming back as I sat down next to Niall. She was face down on the ground, and I noticed that she was breathing so I gently turned her round. “HARRY! You could be making things worse!” Niall shouted. “How could things possibly be worse?” we heard Lola mutter as she tried to pull herself up, but winced in pain as she put some weight on her right wrist.

“Lola, don’t scare us like that.” Niall said as he pulled her into a hug. She smiled slightly as she hugged him back. “We should get you to hospital.” The driver said. “Both of you.” He added as he looked at my head. Its then that I felt the blood trickling down the side of my face. The guy turned away and dialled 999 to call for an ambulance. “What do you think you’re playing at Harry!?” Lola hissed as she managed to sit up, with the help of Niall. “You could have got hit.” I looked at the ground. “Better me then you.” I mumbled. Niall hit me on the arm which made me look up. “Where exactly did you go Lola?” Niall asked. “Jack mentioned something about you going to your local doctors. What’s wrong?” he asked as I noticed tears start to fill Niall’s eyes. “Nialler, don’t cry.” Lola said, a little shocked, as she wiped them away with you free hand (she was cradling the other wrist.). “Jack was always the wise one of the family.” She muttered. She sighed as she turned to face the both of us. “We thought you were pregnant.” I mumbled which caused Lola to start laughing. “Me? Pregnant? Tell me the next joke please!?” she laughed as we saw the ambulance turn the corner. “I’ll tell you once we’re at the hospital. Call the others as well. They should know too.” She said as the driver explained to the paramedics what happened, and they helped Lola into the back of the ambulance. “You too sir. You’re gonna need stitches.” I turned to look at Niall. He was just as worried as I was about what Lola had to say. “I’ll phone the others and tell them what’s happened.” He sighed.  “DO NOT PHONE MY MUM!” Lola called. “She doesn’t need the worry, and it’s only a broken wrist.” She said. I saw she didn’t really want her mum there. He reluctantly agreed as the doors closed and the ambulance started moving.

The whole way there we didn’t speak. A paramedic had wrapped Lola’s wrist in a bandage, and had cleaned the cut on my head, but Lola wouldn’t even look me in the eye. Was Louis lying to me when he said that Lola loves me? She just saved your life; she’s got to have some feelings towards you. I sighed, which made her finally look at me. “I’m sorry.” She mumbled at she looked at her hands in her lap. “Sorry for what?” I asked. “Everything.” She turned to look at me saw that her eyes had filled with tears. “Lola, just tell me what’s going on.” I asked. She wiped her eyes and shook her head before looking out the back doors.

We were finally at the hospital, and we were taken to cubicles next to each other. I was stitched up in no time, but Lola had to have an x-ray to make sure that it was a broken wrist. Whilst she was up in x-ray everyone turned up, including my mum, Gemma, and Lola’s mum and sister. I groaned when mum came over and kissed me. “Niall told me what happened. How could you be so stupid!” mum hissed. “It would have been better if the car had hit me and not Lola, even if it just a broken wrist.” I said as I laid against the pillows. “Where is Lola?” Lucy asked. “I’m here Lucy-loo.” A voice said from behind us. We all turned to see Lola walking towards us, her wrist in a cast and a sling. “I’m not allowed to use it. Karyn’s gonna kill me. I’m starting the new music video at the end of the week.” She said as she picked Lucy up in her free arm. “And I thought I told Niall not to bring you here?” she said as she rounded on Niall. “I told Anne what happened and your mum overheard.” He mumbled. Lola chuckled. “Nialler, its fine” she laughed before turning to her mum. “What was the thing that Uncle Sam has?” she asked. Her mum looked shocked at the sudden question. “Er, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Why?” we all turned to face Lola. “And did you know that it runs in a family?” she asked. “No, i…I didn’t know that.” Sally was confused. We all were to be fair.

“Lola, is this going anywhere?” Jack asked. Lola sighed. “You’re the one that told everyone that I was ill. I’m only telling you what’s wrong with me. I knew you were slow, but come on!” she laughed. “You have chronic fatigue syndrome?” Louis asked. Lola nodded and smiled. “You made it sound life threatening!” Niall whined as he sat in the plastic chair. “At least I know you care enough to think the worse.” Lola laughed. I started laughing with her and kissed her forehead. “You’re an idiot you know that.” I joked. Lola nodded, a huge smile spreading across her face. “And that’s why you love me.” She said before pecking my lips.


It was only a small peck, but Harry looked so shocked. “I’m sorry. I didn’t-“ he pressed his lips on mine, cutting me off. I started smiling through the kiss, and so did Harry. It wasn’t until we heard Lucy say, “Eww” that we pulled apart. “Finally!” Zayn laughed as he hugged us both. “Yeah about time. How long has it taken?” Louis asked. I rolled my eyes at him as the others all hugged me. Mum mentioned something about having to make a phone call so she disappeared with Lucy. “You know how long.” I mumbled. Harry placed a strand of my hair behind my ear. “I’ve been waiting longer.” Harry whispered in my ear, but everyone heard. “What?” Niall and Liam asked. I looked at him shocked and was glad to see that everyone else was as well.

“You’ve liked me since the new year’s party we had right?” he asked and I nodded. “Well, remember that time when I was waiting for you outside your flat?” he asked. I gasped and Harry went red. “Why didn’t you tell any of us!” Louis moaned. “You guys could have gotten together sooner.” I smiled slightly until Eleanor mentioned something. “Yeah, then we wouldn’t of had to get to know that Amber.” My eyes went wide. “Shit.” I muttered. “What?” Harry asked. “Amber, she’s gonna hate me forever now.” I groaned as I hid my head in my hands. “No she’s not.” Jack said. “And how do you know?” I snapped at him. “Because before Harry went looking for you she confronted him and she was alright with it…” he trailed off. “Apart from the part where Lola’s her best friend.” Niall added. I glared at him. “Sorry.” He mumbled. I turned to look at Jack who was smirking. “What now?” I asked. “And you’re calling me slow?” he asked. I frowned as he pulled out his wallet to show me a picture of 3 people. It was me and him when we were kids, about 11/10, when mum and dad were going through their divorce, and we were living in Kent. The 3rd person was a blonde haired, blue eyed girl and Jack had his arms around her waist.

“I don’t get it.” Harry said who was also looking at the picture. “Do you not remember her name?” Jack asked. I frowned in concentration, trying to remember, when I had a light bulb moment. “That’s why we got along so well!” I started laughing. “And to think I hated her when she started going out with Harry.” I was still laughing, with everyone looking at me strangely. “When did you find out?” I asked Jack. “I was comforting her back at the flat when she said you reminded her of someone she used to know. That’s why you were so close and it hurt that much more about you and Harry. That’s when it dawned on me too.” I hugged him tight before whispering in his ear. “Now you go make yourself happy.” Before pushing him out of the cubical. I heard him chuckling down the hallway before Liam finally spoke up.

“Are you gonna tell us was that was about?” I smiled and rested my head on Harry’s shoulder. “When I was about 10, Jack would have been 13/14. I was living in Kent with mum and dad before the divorce and me and mum moved up to Bradford. Well, he knew a girl back then, but then I remember Jack saying something about her family moving to London and they never saw each other again.” I paused. “Are you saying you knew Amber back then?” Eleanor asked. “Correctamondo.” I giggled at myself. “Listen, I’m actually extremely tired, so can we go home?” I asked. Harry helped me off the bed. “So, how are you gonna do a music video with a broken wrist?” Zayn asked. I shrugged. “Who knows? I explain to management tomorrow or something.” I said as I was stifling a yawn.

“Come on.” Harry said as he picked me up bridle style. “Let’s get you home.” I smiled before kissing his check and resting my face in the crook of his neck. I’d finally gotten what I wanted, and was more happy then I’d ever been, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was gonna happen to make my life change for the worse.

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