Chapter 2

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The following week was the most stressful of my life, I swear. Karyn kept making me rehearse 24/7, and I was knackered by the time I got home on the Thursday night. I was so tired I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to go the interview the following day. I slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor and was about to put my key in the door when a voice make me jump. “Hey.” I turned around to see Harry sitting on the stairs, looking up at me, his stupid, cheeky grin plastered on his face. “I didn’t mean to make you jump.” He said.

I felt tiny standing next to him. Well, I am only 5’3’’ so what do you expect when you standing next to someone who’s 6ft tall! “Nah, it’s fine.” I smiled as I turned the key in the door and opened it. “You wanna come in?” I asked, but I just left the door wide open so he could anyway. “Drink?” I called from the kitchen. “What you got?” I heard him call back. I chuckled slightly as I got a beer out the fridge and handed it to him.

“You realise that I’m gonna have to drive back, right?” he asked. “One’s not gonna hurt Harry.” I said as I sat on the sofa and turned to TV on. He soon joined me and we soon fell into silence. I turned the volume down and turned to face him. “What exactly are you doing here Harry?” I asked. He shrugged. “I don’t actually know.” I started laughing which made him smile. “You’re an idiot, you know that?” I said. He laughed this time. “Not as much as Louis.” He said. “Touché.”  I muttered. I was about the turn the volume back up when he said something that made me stop.

“There’s just something about you.” He muttered. I could feel a frown forming on my face. “What do you mean?” I asked. I’d turned the TV off now, and turned fully to face him. “I dunno. Louis and Niall can’t seem to stop talking about you, and whenever you’re mentioned Zayn seems to shut up.” Harry fell quiet. “So, why are you here?” I asked, still confused. Again, he shrugged. “I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.” I rolled my eyes and turned the TV back on. “There’s not much to see.” I mumbled as I focused on the TV. We fell silent and focused on the episode of friends.

“Can I ask you something.” He suddenly asked. “You just did.” I smiled. He rolled his eyes. “You’re not like the other fans.” He said. “That’s not a question.” I said. “Why?” he asked. I chuckled slightly. It was my turn to shrug. “You just seem like normal lads.” I said simply. “I don’t see the point in screaming in someone’s face.” I said. I saw him smile from the corner of my eye. “That’s what’s different.” He said. “There are so many screams in one day, I suppose the one that doesn’t just seems different.” He said. I got back to watching friends, but I was getting bored.

I got off the sofa and stretched. “I’m going to have a shower and get changed. Make yourself at home.” I said as I headed towards my bedroom.


I watched her go into her bedroom and close the door. I sighed and turned off the TV. I still didn’t get why the guys wouldn’t shut up about her. She was just a normal girl, who just so happened to be really fit. I went and turned on the light and noticed another room down the hall. It was slightly ajar and I noticed a drum kit. She could play the drums? I went into the room and saw that it was full of instruments and recording equipment. She was fit, and she loved music? I shrugged and went over to the desk and saw a notepad full of lyrics.

Well, I say lyrics. They were just random strands of words, that didn’t make sense to me. I sat down and saw a formal looking letter in amongst the sheets. I pulled it out and saw that it was from Universal Music. I frowned. Why was Lola getting a letter from them? I went to read it when I heard the shower turn off. I quickly put it back and got up from the chair but as I turned round Lola was leaning against the doorframe, wearing just a baggy top. My eyes travelled down her legs and back up. The top only just covered her underwear. I noticed that she was smirking.

“I didn’t mean to pry, I just-“ I trailed off and looked at the floor. “It’s fine. Many people find it fascinating that I have a music room in a poky little flat like this.” She smiled sweetly, her damp hair in a messy bun, a few strands of hair framing her face. Ok, so fit wasn’t the right word. Pretty, maybe? I was still staring at her, unsure of what to say. She was still smiling, her bright blue eyes shining.

“You want something to eat?” she suddenly asked, pulling me from my thoughts. “If that’s alright?” I mumbled. She just walked back into the living room, me soon following.  I went and sat on the sofa whilst she went into the kitchen. “I’m afraid it’s gonna have to be cold take-out pizza.” She called. “Anything’s better than nothing.” I said back as she came into view. She sat down next to me and opened the pizza box on the coffee table.

We ate in silence, but that letter was bugging me. “Lola?” I asked, a little hesitantly. “Yes Harry?” she said, still looking at the TV. “What was that letter about?” I asked. I saw a frown form on her face. “What letter?” she asked. “From Universal Music?” I prompted. “Oh, that!” she exclaimed. “I’ve got a meeting with them for a record deal, that’s all.” She said. My eyes went wide. “A record deal?” she nodded.

“But you can’t say anything!” she suddenly said. “I only told you because you saw the letter. I might not be good enough to even get the record deal, so I’m not getting my hopes up.” She smiled at me before taking the last slice of pizza. She’d actually eaten most of it, but I wasn’t that bothered.

I took a quick glance at the clock and saw that it was 11 at night. “Whoa, is that the time?” I said as I jumped from the sofa. “I’d best be off. The others are probably wondering where I am.” I said as I got my phone out my pocket. I had 5 missed calls and nearly 20 messages. Lola got off the sofa and walked to the door with me. “I’ll see you around then?” I asked. She smiled as she took my phone out my hands. I was about to ask what she was doing when she handed it back. “See you around.” She smiled as she closed the door behind me.

She’d put her number in, you douchbag, I thought to myself as I made my way to my car. All the way home, I couldn’t get her out of my mind. It was just something about her that made me smile every time I thought about her. Oh, stop it Harry, you’ll probably never see her again, and if you do, she won’t remember you, I thought. Beautiful girls like her can get anyone she likes.

I sighed as I parked the car and got out. The lights were still on, so I was guessing Louis was up waiting for me. I unlocked the door and walked into the living to see all 4 of the still up. “Where the hell have you been?” Liam asked once he noticed me. “We left messages, and sent you texts.” Niall said. I sat down next to Louis how quickly snuggled into me. “I was round Lola’s.” I said. All eyes were on me. “Lola’s?” Zayn asked. I nodded.

I wanted to tell them about Universal Music, but she said I couldn’t tell anyone. “Why?” Louis asked. I shrugged. “You lot wouldn’t stop talking about her, so I went to get to know her more.” They fell silent for a while.

“You seeing her again?” Louis asked. “I dunno. We might.” I said. I felt my eyes begin to droop. “I’m going up.” I muttered as I got off the sofa. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me as I walked up the stairs, Lola still on my mind.

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