Chapter 8

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Any songs mentioned are not written/sung my 'Lola' they are just used for the use of this fanfic, so please enjoy :)


The next month or so went by really quickly. As soon as the ‘holidays’ were over, the lads finished the UK Up All Night tour, and flew over to the US to tour with BTR. I still spoke to them over the phone and whenever Liam did a twitcam, I always acted like a fan girl. I mean, let’s be honest, I still kinda am obsessed with them, I’m just one of their best friends.

I heard that this girl Amber, the girl Harry was snogging at the party, had gone with them, and that they had started dating. I nearly cried when Zayn told me that, but I couldn’t tell them how I felt. I knew Harry didn’t like me the way I liked him, otherwise he wouldn’t be going out with Amber!

Anyway, they were coming back home soon, even if it was only for a couple of days. The Brits were this week, and Zayn had asked me to be his plus one. Also, Liam and Niall had said that they wouldn’t go if I weren’t, so I didn’t really have that much of a choice.

The night finally arrived and I was still getting ready when the buzzer went off. “Hey, it’s us!” a chorus of voiced sounded. I laughed as I buzzed them in and left the front door open so they could wait whilst I finished up.

I put the finishing touches to my makeup before heading into the living room. “You look amazing!” Danni said as she come over and hugged me. The whole time the boys were in America, me, Danni and El had become a lot closer. “You look…” Zayn trailed off as he kissed me on the cheek.

“We already then?” I asked, trying my very best not to blush. “Yeah, we’ve just got to pick Amber up and then head off to the O2.” Liam said as he slipped his hand in Danni’s and kissed her. “Come on.” I said as I opened the door and led everyone out.

When I got into the car Louis and Niall were more surprised than I thought they would be. “You’re stunning!” Niall said as he pulled me into a hug. “Trying to impress someone?” Louis winked at me, which made me blush a little. “What makes you think that?” I asked, in mocked horror, before I winked back at him. “You do look beautiful though.” Zayn whispered in my ear.

“Not too bad yourself Malik.” I laughed. He took hold of my hand and I saw Harry look over. “So, I finally get to meet Amber properly then?” I asked Harry as I turned to face him. “Properly? You’ve met her before?” he asked, a small frown forming. “Well, she’s the one you were snogging at the new year’s eve party, right?” I asked. I heard Louis snigger from opposite me, and Zayn kicking him in the leg. “Err, yeah.” Harry mumbled. I smiled. “Well she’d best know she’s one luck girl.” I said as Zayn started whispering in my ear.

“Who is your trying to impress? Cause if it’s me then I’m well and truly impressed.” I giggled slightly and turned to face him. “Zayn, babe, I know you like Perrie, so just try and stop flirting.” His eyes went wide. “How do you know that?” he asked. I looked towards Niall who was purposely looking out the window, trying not to hear our conversation.

“NIALL!” Zayn moaned as he tried to hit the blonde on the head. “What!? I just let it slip. I didn’t mean too.” He said. “Zayn, its fine. You’re secrets save with me.” He kissed me on the forehead before looking at me seriously. “Who so you like? Cause I can set you up if I know them.” I smiled. “You do know them, but setting us up isn’t going to work.” I muttered. “Why not?” at that moment the car slowed down and Harry got out. I sighed.

“Cause he’s just gone off to get his girlfriend.” I whispered. “You like-“ But I cut him off. “Please don’t tell anyone. I’m not even sure I like him that much it’s just that…” Harry and Amber came back into the car. “Amber, you’ve met all the lads.” Harry said as she took a seat next to him. “This is Danni, Liam’s girlfriend.” Amber smiled. “Nice to meet you again.” Amber said. Danni just nodded and turned to face Liam again.

“And this is my, well our, best friend Lola.” I smiled and knew there and then that I had no chance with Harry. “Hi, nice to finally meet you.” I said. “You too.” She smiled as she turned her attention back to Harry. The car started again, and we all started up different conversations. We finally arrived, and I said that I’d meet them inside, but Zayn had other plans.

We were walking down the red carpet, and Zayn was trying to get me in as many photos with the boys as possible. “What are you doing?” I asked him. “You’ve gotta get used to this kind of thing Lola.” I sighed as we joined the lads again who were answering questions. “I don’t mean to be rude or anything.” An interviewer said. “But am I right in believing that Zayn’s date is Lola-Grace James?” he asked. “The one and only.” Zayn laughed. “You’re song, is amazing! Already number one in the mid-week chart, you must be very pleased with that.” I smiled at the looks on the boys faces as I turned to the interviewer.

“Very pleased. I didn’t even think that it would get in the top 20, let alone be number one!” I laughed. “Well, it’s fantastic. My daughters absolutely love it!” we both laughed as we all answered a few more questions before heading inside. “I’ll see you in a bit babe.” Liam said as Danielle headed backstage. We all took our seats when I was bombarded with questions.

“What did she mean; you’re new songs at number one in the mid-week charts?” Liam asked. “Didn’t I tell you?” I asked, still amused by the looks on their faces. “I released ‘Worlds Apart’ on Monday.” I said as I took a sip of water that was on the table. “No you didn’t!” Niall said as he got up from him seat and engulfed me in a hug. “I’m so proud of youuuu!” He said as the others came over and hugged me.

“We really are, that’s amazing Lola!” Louis said. “Thanks guys.” I smiled. “There’s also something else I need to tell you.” They all looked at me expectantly. “Well, I still haven’t recorded the video to it, so I’m heading to LA next week.” I saw Amber scowling at me, but I didn’t say anything. “That’s where we are next week!” Harry said, his cheeky smile planted on his face. “Yup, so it looks like you’re stuck with me for a little while longer.” They all cheered just as the awards show had started.

It was kinda boring to say the least, except for the performances. Me and Liam were also trying to spot Danni in Olly’s performance, which was a laugh. The others had already started drinking, so I think it was only me and Liam who were actually sober. Now came the really important award, “Best single” the nominations were read out, and then finally…. “And the winner is….One Direction with What Makes You Beautiful!” Our table exploded! They actually did it! They won!

Zayn stood up, pulling me with him and span me in the air! “Zayn put me down!” I giggled. He did and I pushed him towards the stage, the others had already made their way there. They quickly did their speeches, mainly thanking the fans for all their support, which I found extremely cute. They then went off for some interviews and me Danni and Amber started talking to the others on the table.

After the boys came back they all got wasted, and mean wasted! They were falling over everywhere, and were slurring their words so much that me, Liam and Danni had to help them into the cars at the end of the night. We all decided to crash and Harry and Louis’ and as soon as we got in Harry and Amber went to his room. “It’s alright you know.” I heard Zayn slur in my ear.

I looked at him slightly confused, until I remembered that I told him I may like Harry. I put my arm round his waist as I led him to the living room and laid him down in the sofa. “Lola.” I heard Louis whisper. I turned to face him just as he threw a shirt and some shorts at me. I smiled as I went into the bathroom to get changed.

I went back into the living room, expecting everyone to be asleep when Zayn’s voice made me jump. “Lola, you know I’ll do anything to make you happy right?” he asked. I sat next to him and smiled. “Yes Zayn, I do.” He pulled me into a hug, and I snuggled down to get a warmer. “You won’t hate me if I sat I think of you as a sister will you?” he slurred. I noticed his eyes were dropping, which made me chuckle.

“No Zayn, I wouldn’t hate you.” I whispered. I kissed him on the cheek and a few seconds later light snores were coming from him. I smiled as I settled down as well, Zayn’s arms still round my waist, and I eventually fell asleep as well.

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