Chapter 11

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I felt movement from beside me, but I was too tired to open my eyes to see if Lola was awake. I knew that it was dark outside, and that it wouldn’t be long before the plane landed, but I was either too tired to do anything, or just still slightly worried about Lola. I was texting Amber earlier, and explained to her how she’d become moody over the last couple of months, and the fact that she’s been throwing up quite a lot, and Amber’s response just shocked me. Lola couldn’t be, could she? She’d spent her entire time with us, and we couldn’t go anywhere in America cause we were all too young, and in Australia we were just getting mobbed everywhere by the fans. So how could she be? Plus, she would have told one of us, wouldn’t she? She’s our best friend, we tell each other everything. Well, not everything. I hadn’t told Louis that I might in fact like Lola, but both he and Zayn got the idea earlier.

These thoughts were running through my head when I felt someone shake me. “Harry?” I mumble something incoherent, which made her giggle. “Harry!” she said as she gently slapped my face. I slowly opened my eyes, and saw Lola smiling at me. “We’re about to land. Come on, wake up, yeah?” she said as she settled back down in her seat. I looked around and saw that Liam and Niall were awake, both looking excited about going home. I then turned to Louis, who was having trouble waking Zayn up. I heard Lola laughed quietly from next to me. “Louis!” she whispered. Louis turned to face her just as she threw her bottle of water at him. Louis had his cheeky smile on, undid the lid, and poured what was left onto Zayn’s face. He was up in an instant, glaring at Louis which made me, Lola and Louis all burst out laughing. “”At least someone finds this funny.” Zayn mumbled at us, looking over at Lola who was smiling like crazy. “Yeah, well, it’s good to be home.” She said. “Now I just need food.” She said. I chuckled at her. Her appetite was just like Niall. They could eat anything, and not gain a single pound. “There should be food courts in the airport.” I said. But Lola shook her head. “If I’m getting off this plane with you lot, there would be a fat chance I’d be able to go to one of the food courts. There are still rumours going around about me and Zayn.”

I saw Lola take her phone out, probably to check the time, when I saw her instantly smile. “It’s fine though. Jack’s got me a maccy D’s.” I frowned slightly. “Who Jack?” Liam asked the question for me. “Oh, just an old friend.” She said as she put her phone away, and the sign saying to put our seatbelts back on lit up. We all sat back down as the plane started to descend onto the runway. Lola was the first one up, grabbing her bag and heading to the doors. “Is it me, or has Lola cheered up?” Zayn asked. I nodded slightly, but I was still worried about her. What if Amber was right and she was… “Come on Harry!” Niall called after me. I quickly grabbed my phone and followed everyone off the plane.

I knew it was in the early hours, so I did not expect this many fans to turn up to meet us. It was nice though, to know this many people supported us. It wasn’t just our fans though. Lola had 2 number one singles here, so loads of people had turned up for her. She was signing magazines and taking pictures with as many people as she could. I noticed someone trying to make their way through the crowd towards Lola. I couldn’t say anything as I was still taking pictures, but I heard him call for Lola which made her turn round. She had the biggest smile on her face when she saw him. People made a little path so that she could go over to him.

They embraced each other considering they hadn’t seen each other for 5 months, maybe more, and I thought nothing of it, until he gave her a peck on the lips. Well, they’re old friends, I’m sure they do that all the time, I thought, but I saw Zayn and Louis were as confused as I was. “Guys, we’re gonna have to go. It’s been a long flight, and we’re all tired.” I said over the noise of the crowd. I knew some people had gotten pictures of Lola and this mystery guy. She knew that the pictures were gonna be all over the papers in the morning, but she honestly didn’t seem to care.

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