Mabel x Fem!Reader

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"Absolutely not!"

"Please, Y/n! Just this once. I'll do anything. Anything." Mabel Pines knelt before you, practically begging you to go to a party with her. Not just as two friends. As a couple.

"No! You did this to yourself. You know better than to lie about things like this," you declined again. Mabel, being the foolish girl she was, went and told everyone back home that she had gotten herself a boyfriend over the course of the summer. Thing was, she hadn't. It was, in her own words, simply too embarrassing to admit. So she concocted a well-thought-out story about her and her supposed partner. She couldn't just settle for any boy, no, he had to be the dream boyfriend. Great looks, good personality, and extremely talented. Turns out, she made him sound perfect. So perfect, in fact, that everyone just had to meet this 'prince in shining armor.' Hence where we are now.

"Aw, come on! It's just for one night. And it's not like we're actually a couple, we're just pretending."

"Mabel, for the last time, I said 'no.' Besides, I don't even fit the bill. You told them you had a boyfriend, and I'm clearly a girl. Which, is yet another reason I can't 'date' you."

"Huh? Whaddya mean by that?" You stared at her in utter disbelief. Did she really not know? How could she not?

"I'm a girl."

"So?" Surely she's joking...?

"And you're also a girl."

"Your point is...?" Or maybe she isn't, after all.

"Girls can't date other girls!"

"Who says they can't? Last time I checked, it was a free country."

"I-It's just doesn't work like that."

"Really? Why not?"

"Because it's..." You hesitated. Why was she asking so many questions? Why couldn't she just accept it and move on? Although, it wasn't like she was asking you to answer a ten-step math problem using on your head, so why was it so hard to answer...? What was the correct answer anyways? Was there even an actual answer?

In a state of confusion, you blurted out the first thing came to mind. "It's weird." That's right. It's weird. Nobody marries someone of the same gender... Do they?

"It's weird...? Is it weird to you? Or is it weird to society? I'd bet twenty on the latter." She paused, a devious grin making its way onto her features, then continued. "Either way, it doesn't matter. You know why?"

"Why...?" You asked wearily.

"Cause this-" She threw her arms up and gestured around us "-is Gravity falls! This place is full of weird things! Gnomes, mermaids... evil Doritos. Oh, and did I mention people even go so far as to marry woodchucks here?"


"So tell me, Y/n. Why can't a girl date another girl? Why can't you date me?"

For the first time in your life, you found you had nothing to refute. Mabel, possibly the least serious person you knew, had you rethinking everything you had thought to be true.

(I interrupt this program to say: That rhymed! 😀)

Why can't I?

Truth is, you could. Even if it was just for one night and only pretend, you absolutely could date Mabel. You were simply too scared to. Too scared break out of the norm and try something new. Well, never again. Today, she's going to do exactly that.
Y/n L/n is going on a (pretend) date with Mabel Pines.

Various x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora