h o m e s i c k

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"Part human and part elf?" Biana's teal eyes were wide. "That's..." She shook her head. "Wow. That actually makes a lot of sense."

It did. It was the only explanation, really.

And it made Sophie feel sick.

"I'm really not normal, then," she muttered, staring at her lap.

"That's not a bad thing!" Linh said, hugging her again. "It's actually very cool."

"I agree," Biana added.

"But if it's cool, why did Grady and Edaline not talk about it to me at all?" Sophie countered.

And plus--it meant that Sophie was unmatchable. And it also meant...

Sophie sucked in her breath, her mind whirling. It couldn't be. It didn't make any sense. But...there was no other explanation.

Did this mean...that Keefe was also part human?



Tam wasn't sure if he'd made the right choice.

He'd done it to protect Linh, yes, but...maybe there had been another way. Something he'd overlooked.

He shook his head, his bangs flopping. He had to stop this. He had made the right choice. There was no other way--this was the best way to keep Linh safe.

And yet...he couldn't help but feel homesick.

He nearly started laughing. Him--homesick. But it was true. He missed his twin's bubbly-yet-feisty personality and even her annoying murcat. He missed Tiergan. He missed Sophie, and Dex, and Fitz, and Keefe, and--

He gripped his head, squeezing his eyes shut. For all of mallowmelt--had he just admitted missing KEEFE? 

He was officially going insane.

There was that one person he definitely missed, though. No matter how much he hated it.

Dark hair. Teal eyes framed with impossibly long lashes. Sweet smile.

Yeah. Fitz's sister. Which made no sense, because, well...she was Fitz's sister.

Whatever. He didn't have time to think about what he should or shouldn't have done. 

He needed to get out of here.

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