t h e a n s w e r

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Sophie wasn't entirely sure why she didn't tell Biana or Linh that Keefe was also unmatchable.

She hadn't even told Grady or Edaline.

It just felt like...something that shouldn't be shared. But that was exactly it--Sophie wasn't sure why she felt like it shouldn't be shared.

Either way, she hadn't said anything. Hopefully that was the right choice.

But she didn't have time to dwell on it, not right now. Not when Biana was about to tell her the question that had haunted her ever since she came out of the matchmaking building.

Absolutely no one would answer her questions. When Sophie had come out of the room with Juji and Brisa, the two women went to speak with Grady and Edaline in hushed, hurried tones. Her adoptive parents had cast Sophie worried, almost frightened looks throughout the whole conversation, which did nothing to settle Sophie's nerves. And when she'd asked them about it as they were heading back to Havenfield, they'd just replied with vague answers. Very infuriatingly vague answers.

Sophie had even attempted to question Sandor, but he didn't even give a straight answer. Same with Tarina and Flori and all her other bodyguards. She'd almost transmitted to Fitz out of desperation, but she thankfully had enough sense left to figure out that that would've been a terrible idea. And same with Keefe.

And Tam...obviously couldn't help. Even if he was here, Sophie had very high doubts that he would agree to sit down and have a heart-to-heart with her.

Which left Biana and Linh. Exactly why she was now in Biana's room, waiting for Biana to answer her question.

Biana was looking at her hard. She was clearly trying to keep calm, but Sophie could see the slightest hint of fear in her teal eyes.

Fear. Just like Brisa.

"Sophie," Biana said quietly, tightening her grip on Sophie's hands, "when you're unmatchable..."

Sophie's heart pounded loudly in her ears as she waited for Biana to finish her sentence.

"...it means...you're not an elf."

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