Suited for the Job

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I mixed chemicals, along with Louis and Renée.

I didn't even know which ones. I just took what I was handed and measured the right amount.

I was thinking about the boy and girl. I hadn't had the chance to talk to anyone about it yet, but I was going to.

"Ash, that's too much!" Louis snapped me out of my reverie.

"What? Oh." I looked at the 20 ml of acid that was meant to be 15.

"Yeah, oh. What do we do with it?" Renée sighed.

"Sorry, guys." I groaned, sitting down. "I was thinking."

Louis looked at me with a yeah-I-know look but said nothing.

"That's fine." Renée smiled. "But we need to get rid of this extra 5 before we get in trouble."

"If you don't mind, we could use it."

The three of us spun around, Renée almost spilling the acid.

Behind us, now in front, was a boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Um," I said, surprised. "Sure?"

"Really?" the boy said, seeming nervous.

"Yeah." I took the beaker from Renée and poured, somehow, exactly 5 ml into his.

"Thanks." he turned and walked off back to his partner, who happened to be Ned.

I watched him go with a confused look on my face.

"Ooh... Ashley's got a crush..." Renée nudged my arm.

"Nah," I said, turning away. "I was just thinking... How did he hear us when he was on the other side of the room? And we were speaking really quiet?"

At that, all three of us exchanged glances and looked back at the brown haired boy.

"So, let me just get this straight." Ryker placed down his fork and stopped eating lasagne. "You two saw this weird thing between a girl and a guy, and for all we know, they could've been making out in that tree, and don't trust this dude because he heard you across a classroom?"

"Yeah, pretty much. But, how, exactly, if they were just making out, did they disappear?" I asked, placing down my sandwich and sat back triumphantly.

"I... I don't know. But, I guess we can expect the impossible now, right? We are the impossible."

The rest of our classes were deadly boring.

Statistics, robotics then physics. I sure hoped the next day would be more interesting.

Though, we did get back to the WW with a surprise waiting for us...

"I've made them!" Jess sang as she danced up to us.

"Made what?" Louis asked as she spun around in front of us.

I was very confused. One look at the others showed they were too. Except for Marina.

"Rina? You know what's up?" I asked her when Jess didn't reply.

"Yeah, Jess where are they?" she asked.

Jess pointed through the doorway she came through.

"Cool." our friend led us into a room full of fabric, sewing machines and scissors.

"Whoa, I didn't even know this room existed," Ryker said in shock.

"Not many people do," Marina replied, grinning. "Here they are!"

The Elementals [1] [P. Parker]Where stories live. Discover now