She floated back down into herself, gasping for air, her eyes wide in amazement. It took her a few tries to regain her mental faculties enough to form a coherent sentence. And even that was broken by the dazed flutter still moving throughout her body.

"Wha-.... What... The hell... Was that?" She gasped out.

"Never had one of those before?" Hunter smirked, his own breath still labored.

"No." She answered in a quiet voice.

Hunter laughed low, and rolled off her, coming up on his side, resting his head on his right hand. He looked down on her flushed, dazed face, his left hand reaching over to turn her head to him and leaned down to kiss her once again.

"That, Baby Girl, was an orgasm. And they are one of the greatest things to ever be felt. Trust me, they are even better without clothing to obstruct the feel of skin moving against skin." He said, grinning down at her wickedly.

Faith's eyes widened at his words, and she felt that tingling sensation start building low in her body again. She smiled up at him, her eyes twinkling in the low light.

They began dating after that night. They were hardly ever separated. Where you found one, the other wasn't too far away. Holding hands in the halls between classes. Eating lunch together, usually with her sitting in his lap. Making-out in and around all obscure corners. The only time they were apart was during practices and actual classes. He would pick her up in the mornings for school and drive her home after.

Things were going great until Hunter started pressuring her to take things farther. It started out subtly enough. A casual comment here, extra wandering hands there. Every time he crossed the line she would stop the neck-fest and remind him that she just wasn't ready to cross that line yet. She was more than happy to suck face and dry hump, but going any farther kind of scared her.

She tried explaining things to him, but he never seemed to get it. Things finally came to a head one Friday night when they were "watching" movies at her house. They were topless making-out on her couch, while Bring It On played in the background. He had grabbed her hands and was proceeding to push them down the front of his pants, while his own were busy on the button of her own. She quickly yanked her hands back out, and began pushing on his chest, trying to get him off her.

"Hunter." She said, trying to wriggle out from under him. "Hunter stop."

"What is it, Baby Girl" he said, looking at her, his hands still busy at her waist.

"I said stop."

"Why?" He asked, raising his head, his eyes meeting hers.

"Because I've told you this before. I'm not ready for this. You have. To. Stop." She said reaching down, pushing his hands forcefully away from her.

He leaned back on his heels, giving her the space to scramble to the opposite end of the couch. He ran a hand angrily through his hair, and let out a frustrated growl.

"Jesus Christ Faith," he growled. "We've been dating for two months. When are we going to go further?"

"I've told you time and time again. I'm not ready to go there yet. I need more time. Why can't you understand that?"

"What I can't understand, why you're being such a prude about this. I can touch your naked body all I want. Unless it's below the waist. I can't go there at all; with or without clothing. Are you ever going to want to take it to the next level?"

Faith stared at him silently, hugging her knees to her chest.

"I have needs too, you know. I need you to loosen up and make up your mind."

"Listen Hunter, if you can't respect my desire to take things slow, then maybe you should just leave."

"Take things slow? TAKE THINGS SLOW?!" he practically yelled. "If we go any slower, then we'll be moving backwards. This isn't the 1950's Faith. Most girls have already lost their V-card by Junior year. Or are you holding out for marriage?" He sneered.

"No." She said. "I'm waiting until I feel comfortable with doing 'it'. And I'm not 'most girls'."

"With the way you hold out, you'll never be comfortable." He said yanking his shirt back on.

Tears started welling up in her eyes, and she looked away, biting her lips. Hunter proceeded to rearrange his clothing, and grabbed his keys, wallet and Nokia off the side table. He angrily shoved his feet into his shoes, and started making his way to the door.

"Hunter. Hunter wait," she said running around the couch, grabbing his arm. "Don't leave mad."

He shook off her hold on him and glared down at her.

"Baby Girl look. I want to go all the way with you. I get that you're not ready yet, but a man can only wait so long. Even if you aren't prepared to go fully 'there', I want more from you. You could at least try going below the belt occasionally. Give me a hand job. Something. And stop acting like I'm radio-active from the waist down."

He sighed then, running a hand through his hair again.

"Call me when you're ready to grow up and be a real woman, not just a little girl."

With those words, he turned on his heel, slamming the door behind him. Faith hugged herself, watching him go in stunned silence. Tears ran down her face, as she heard him rev out of the driveway and speed off into the night.


Hello readers. This is a new/old story that I decided to upload and share. I wrote it 2 years ago, and thought, 'hey, why not share it on Wattpad too?'.

Yes, Hunter is a real ass, but you have to remember he's a hot-blooded teen boy with more testosterone than sense right now, so he's not going to be in the best frame of mind to make proper decisions or think rationally.

Also, side note, never let your partner decide when it's time for you to be more intimate in the relationship. It's your body, you decide when you are ready. And if they can't respect that, than they have to go.

I'll be uploading a new part daily, so I hope you enjoy this short story of Faith and Hunter.


Coming Homeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें