Chapter 1

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"Winnie!" Yelled Miss. Fare across the cafeteria where everyone was eating breakfast.

Miss. Fare is the woman who takes care of all the children at the orphanage with a little help from Mr. Dreemer who works with the boys.

"Coming. " I said getting out of my seat, picking up my tray and tossing it into the bin. Now walking towards Miss. Fare, who is by the door.

So, Winnie, I want you to meet some people that you might like. " Miss. Fare said with a calm voice.

"Are they going to adopt me?" I said with a curious look on my face.

"It depends if they like you or not, but they did say that they wanted a girl around 9 to 12 that's kind and creative, now that describes you perfectly. " Miss. Fare said with an excited look and voice.

"But there are other girls that are in that age range and are kind and creative too, Miss. Fare. " I said with a questioning look on my face.

"Well they also wanted a mature girl also and some of the other girls aren't as creative and mature and hardworking as you are, to be honest, but don't tell them that. " Miss. Fare said with a giggle at the end.

"When do I meet them?" I said with a somewhat worried voice.

"Well they're here right now, so you better get some nice clothes on. "

"Oh! Wow, okay, I'll head up right away. " I said with a shocked face and voice.

So I hurried up the creaky stairs up to my room that I shared with a couple of other girls and started to look for some nicer clothes than I had on. I took out a nice light green shirt with some frills at the bottom and some light blue jeans with a couple of rips at the knees from falling over, I'm very clumsy. I started to walk to the bathroom with clothes in hand and a light green headband that matched the shirt on top. I changed into the green shirt and blue jeans brushed my hair down and put in my green headband.

I started to walk down the hall towards the stairs when a girl named Heather moved right in front of me.

"Hey! What is ya doing all dressed up?" Heather yelled at me angrily.

"Umm, I-I have to meet someone. " I said nervously to Heather.

"Sure, you have to see someone. " Heather said in a snarky voice.

And as soon as she said that, she pushed me down the stairs with a thud.


Well, it sounds like someone was coming because she ran away into her room. I tried to stand up, but I just kept falling back down with a creak and a thud from me falling on the old stairs over and over.

"Wonder why she isn't down yet? I'll go check. " I heard Miss. Fare says, but I couldn't see her.

I heard some creaks from the floorboards from Miss. Fare's shoes.

"Winnie! Are you okay?" Miss. Fare asked, scared as she looked at me, crying.

"Y-yes, I-I'm okay. I-I just need help up. " I said wiping my eyes.

"I'll be back in a minute, I'm going to get some help. " Miss. Fare said worriedly.

She pretty much ran into her office. I heard her talking to someone, two someones. I saw her come out of her office and some tall lengthy fellows just following behind her. I quickly went into fetus position as I started crying more and more.

"Hey, you okay?" I heard someone say, I didn't recognize the voice so I looked a little and saw some knees bending down and a hand with long fingers reaching down towards me.

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