Dirty Diana

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Chapter quote:

"The public side, they wanted a fairy princess to come and touch them and everything will turn into gold and all their worries would be forgotten. Little did they realise that the individual was crucifying herself inside because she didn't think she was good enough."-Princess Diana


Tears, anger, and fear, hit Diana's face as she ran into the bathroom and locked herself. Charles was at it again; His vicious insults,calling her over sensitive, needy, rude, and worst of all, a little chubby.

She screamed loudly.The screams of years of torture that had seemed to have no ending. The screams of pity and help that no one seemed to want to give. The screams of how no one knows how disastrous,horrible, and worthless her seemingly "perfect" marriage is.

She grabbed a nearby by razor which already contained dried blood stains, and cut herself on the thighs. Yet another scar that the media won't notice. That nobody inside the palace would care about. Seeing blood was her only hope.

"You have so much pain inside yourself, you try and hurt yourself on the outside because you need help" She was quoted as saying.

She let the blood flow down the drain of the bathtub as she cried and cried and cried, all while Charles was somewhere upstairs, not thinking about how damaging his actions were.

Diana was in the bathroom for at least 2 hours. When she got out, she stumbled to the guest room where she laid down in silence, trying to calm herself down. In fact, it was so quiet that she heard Charles' loud phone conversation adjacent to the room.

"She's been bitchy, as usual." said Charles casually.

"Diana needs to sort out her priorities, yet another reason why I should've been your first choice." replied a female voice. It couldn't be no other than Camilla, the ugly woman Charles has been cheating with.

"I know, I'm sorry. I don't know why I proposed to her. It was too soon and she was only 19, dating some 30 year old who looked 80, also known as Prince Charles."

"Pssh please, you look nowhere near 80 my dearest love."

"Thank you babe. But as I was saying, I totally regret being with that stupid, crying wolf Diana. But I promise Camilla, someday we will be married, we'll get through the palaces approval."

"I love you Charles"

"I love you too"

Diana tried to separate herself from the conversation so she wouldn't hear it anymore. Camilla never knew how tragic and more stressful she had made Diana's life. Ever since she found out about Camilla on her honeymoon, and saw the gifts and love bracelets Charles gave Camilla but not her, she had been absolutely devastated.

She moved into a much farther room, not far from where William slept. She weeped silently, dealing with yet another hurtful thing-Charles cheating. She loved him dearly, but he never loved her back.

About an hour later, she brushed her teeth and helped William and Harry into bed before Charles.

"Who loves you more than anybody else in the world?" She would often ask.

"Mummy!" Replied the children. To Diana, this was very important. Important to make sure that her children know she'll love them no matter what-something her parents never reassured.

Without saying one word to Charles, she went to bed. The guest room wasn't even a guest room anymore. It was her sad room. A room that no one but herself can enter at all times, to just let out the pain, and to be alone. Nothing to trigger emotion but herself.

She cried herself to sleep, as she did so many times.

However, there was one little thing that happened that night that was sort of rare when Diana was alone. She smiled. One brief, but amazing smile. What caused that smile from the broken princess? Michael Jackson. It was July 14, 1988. That meant just one more day, one more, until she can meet her favourite pop singer of all time. All her favourite songs raced through her mind: Billie Jean, Off The Wall, Thriller, PYT, Blame it on the Boogie, and so many others. But there was one song that made her eyes shine brighter, her smile as authentic and happy as ever, and a mind that was for once, in heaven.

Dirty Diana


Wow, Chapter 1 seemed a little short and boring, sorry if that's the case in your opinion. Just wanted to point out that Charles did actually call her a little chubby and all in real life, and she actually did ask her kids that question occasionally. Plus a few more things are true, like Di finding out about the affair on her OWN honeymoon. Chapter 2 will be coming in a couple of days or so, and will be longer, focusing on the day of Diana. And then, Michael will be introduced :) But be patient because I'm working on other stories too.

~Chapter quotes are used to set the mood and give you an idea about what the chapter will be about or what it will include, tho some quotes might be random~

Thanks for reading xx

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