Just thinking of him naked makes my mouth water.  I know it's way too soon to do anything R-rated, even PG13 is too soon now, but that doesn't mean that I can't think of it. 

He looks very red, obviously feeling embarrassed by my words. But he won't suggest we change in different places right? That's very unusual for werewolves, it would be weird. 

I look at him, seeing him deep in thought. What is he thinking about? Doesn't he want to shift in front of me?

Maybe I should go first, so a bit of the tension is released. Maybe he'll feel better if he doesn't have to go first.

I slowly take off my shirt, gripping the bottom and pulling it over my head. I used to be self conscious about my body, but in the past few years I've learned that it doesn't matter. I really don't care what other people think of my body and I know that my mate is automatically attracted to me.

I keep looking at Oliver as I pull down my pants, daring him to look down. I mean, he must be curious right? I know I am. I slowly unzip my pants and push them down my legs, collecting them and putting them on a branch so I can find them when we shift back later.

Oliver has now shifted his attention to his fingers, playing with them. I can see a light blush on his cheeks, making me believe that my body does have a certain impact on him.

I can feel my wolf's anticipation, he really wants to see what Oliver's wolf looks like. He wants to play with him, race with him. He is quite competitive, but that was a given with an alpha wolf. At the same time he is also playful, wanting to race with other wolves and teasing other wolves. It's sometimes a bit much, but that's okay, I let him have his playtime most of the time. He never really had the chance as a pup, so I let him play now. 

I give him one last look before taking off my underpants. I decide not to stretch the moment out any further and change in my wolf. 

My wolf is a very dark brown color, almost black. He is big and powerful, being that he is an alpha wolf. I think he has the same eyes as me, but I can't be sure. 

When I'm in my wolf form my wolf's thoughts come forwards more clearly, he is more in control than when I'm in my human form. But of course not completely in control, because then he would be a wild animal. 

I sit down, seeing that Oliver got mostly undressed while I was shifting. It doesn't take long to shift, about 2 minutes. It's a bit uncomfortable but it doesn't really hurt anymore, only the first few times it really hurts. 

He turns around when taking off his underwear. Doesn't he realize that that's what I want to see? I love butts, they're my favorite body part. His makes my mouth water, he has a perfectly shaped, round butt. It jiggles a bit when he moves, and let me just say that I'm happy that a wolf can't pop a boner cause damn. He's so hot. 

I can tell that my wolf is also affected by seeing our mate's butt. I have to use all of my self control to hold him, and also myself, back. The mate pull is already so strong that I'm having trouble. 

I hear his bones cracking, seeing all of his bones shift into place. Before I know it, a beautiful wolf is standing in front of me. His fur is a pretty light brown, patches of white fur on his legs and his tail. He has little white spots on his nose and ears, making him look adorable. His eyes are a light brown color, a bit lighter than Oliver's human eyes. I've never seen anything quite like him. His white and brown combination is pretty rare. He is a pretty average sized wolf, not too big but also not too small. 

My wolf steps forwards, closing the distance between us. He nuzzles his head against Oliver's wolf's. He softly rubs his scent all over him. I let him take over for a bit, letting him do what he has to. 

He starts licking Oliver's muzzle, it's a wolf thing, I don't fully understand it either, but it calms my wolf down, he likes it. Oliver licks my wolf's muzzle too, my wolf closing his eyes, enjoying it. 

When they're done my wolf nudges Oliver's wolf's ribs, wanting him to run with him. 

He takes off when Oliver's wolf understands what he means, looking behind him to see Oliver's wolf slowly starting to run too. 

My wolf is not that fast, he's more built for strength than for speed, but he loves running. Especially now that he's running with his mate I can feel his excitement all through our body. 

He looks back when he feels a little pull on his tail. Oliver's wolf was nipping at it, being very close to him. My wolf's tail is more fluffy than the average wolf's tail so it's easy to bite at the long hairs. Lucky for us, Oliver's wolf is very careful and doesn't bite too hard, just nipping playfully. 

My wolf quickly turns around, taking Oliver's by surprise. He runs away, so of course my wolf starts chasing him, his tail wagging. He loves a good game of chase. 

When he finally catches up with him, he lunches, trying to softly take down his mate. Oliver's wolf falls to the ground, not being able to stay standing with the weight of my wolf on his. My wolf stands over Oliver's making sure he can't get up. Oliver's is on his back, looking annoyed. My wolf starts licking all over Oliver's, his way of kissing him and putting his scent on him. His tail still wagging as he licks Oliver's wolf clean. 

At first Oliver's wolf looks a bit uncomfortable, but after a while he seems okay with it, he even flops his tongue out of his mouth, panting a bit. 

Eventually both of the wolves stand up, going for a final run. They are actually about the same speed, which makes racing each other even more fun. 

We run back to the spot where our clothes lay, both of our wolves satisfied with the time they were able to spend together. 

We shift back at the same time. He starts to blush immediately. I can see him try his hardest to not look down, but he doesn't succeed. He looks down, which makes him blush even more. He looks so damn cute, I just want to poke his cheeks, his dimples. 

He quickly grabs his underwear, which is my chance to be a bit of a creep and check him out. 

He is not extremely big or small, but just looking at him completely naked makes me a bit hard. Before I can think any more, he puts on his underwear, making me feel a bit disappointed. But I know that I can worship him at a later moment, I just need to have patience. 

For now I just want to get to know him better. 

I quickly put on my own clothes. I can't wait for tonight when we're going to have dinner together. I can finally ask him questions, get to know him. He's already so fascinating even though I don't know a lot about him. But I want to find out more, I want to know everything about him. 

And when the time is right, I want him to live with me, I want him to become my luna. He is destined to be my luna, I know he will be a perfect luna/pack doctor in my pack. I just have to convince him of that. 

But I'm determined. I will convince him. 

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