What am I doing?

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Note - I have written this so many times that everyone knows everything, right?  The above map is something God drew  through me, and this picture led me to Goose Bay and Lake St. Mary.  I found this picture when I was googling Malachi in the northern Rockies (well before I left Oklahoma).  This is how God works, with me anyways.  I probably have become a bit cyenical; well, nobody cares or understands or tries to care.  Sorry, it is not your faults.  This path takes courage, so you may get scared; I am reading it again and it still scares me.  On to Montana -

    This question went through my mind a million times before I left Oklahoma. I knew I was doing God's will, but what was the end result - enlightenment or maybe death. All I knew for about a year is that I had to go to St. Mary Lake in Glacier Park, Montana. How did I know? God told me or directed me.
    I knew they were gonna take my house, a house that I had lived in for 16 years. God said to let them take what is their's, and also said to sell all my possessions. I didn't have a job and started listing everything I could on Craigslist.
     I still had bills and needed money to survive. Every time I needed to pay a bill or buy food I sold something, and I am talking desperately needed something - God provided. I was grateful but still confused, I mean that I knew I was gonna run out of possessions.
    I wasn't necessarily trying to make money, so everyone got a great deal, and some even listened for a while. I still get confused about what to tell people and how much God wants me to reveal. Many people just flat out don't care.
    God told me that I would have a chance to get back into man's world and the next day or two I got an email. It was a principal I interviewed with the year before. I interviewed again and he offered me the job; I had to turn it down. It was prophecy, God's prophecy. Anything He was asking me to do was more important than any old job; right? Oh, that was hard, turning down that job.
    What is harder is that I knew God wouldn't have been mad at me for taking the job. God is like that and very loving, so I couldn't disappoint Him. Besides, I don't think I would get a second chance. I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by - I love the Father too much.
    It goes deeper than that, God had been preparing me for about four years. I read the Bible and He educated me, then He had me write the books of verses, most importantly, His message. It is about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
    After selling everything I could, and buying some food, a tent, and some other things I had $155 cash and 3/4 of a tank of gas in my Chevy Cruze. Then God told me, "Destroy your cell phone, before you leave your house!" What?!? My cell phone! I know no one in Montana and no GPS, but I always do as He asks.
So now you can see my dilemma - little food, little money (no hotels), no cell phone, my carnal mind was going nuts. Then God sent a man that made me realize - stop worrying, what if God didn't go with me? That is all I needed to be concerned with - He is in control, of everything.
    I packed up everything I thought I could use, and everything that would fit in my little Cruze. Then I was eating dinner and afterward I started smiling, this continued for ... well, it never stopped. God said someone was going with me, and I got introduced to my co-pilot - the Holy Spirit.
    Ok, so now I am ready, one might think, but the carnal mind won't give up. You can't make it - where you gonna sleep? Do you even have enough gas money to get there? What happens when you get there?
    Then I thought - what about Malachi in the Northern Rockies? Oh, Malachi will save me! God then let me know, the night before I left, that the Malachi in the Northern Rockies was none other than I. I am going to Montana to search for myself. I don't want that; I want a person with a warm cabin and knowledge that I seek. This is getting more interesting than I bargained for.
    I didn't hurry packing, and it paid off. God had to of helped me pack, everything fit to a T. Now I just had to get into my car and leave everything that I have ever known - no biggie :-)
    I took my time, as God told me, and finally, about four o'clock, I found the courage (with God's help) to get into my car. My buddy was the only one that knew I was leaving - he didn't know exactly when or what date though. He knew my phone would be destroyed.
    Speaking of my phone being destroyed, it was hard. I took it to my backyard, with a hammer, and starting debating with myself - what if I destroyed it when I got to Montana? Ok, what about Colorado? And then I let the hammer fly - do as God asks. I did think - this is crazy, this is crazy, while pounding away, but I did find some peace when I finished. Let's go - God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and me.
    I got into my car and clicked the CD to track number 9, Whitesnake's "Here I go again." I heard the intro as I left ... "I don't know where I'm going, but I sure know where I've been. Hanging on the promises in songs of yesterday; I've made up my mind, I ain't wasting no more time; here I go again ... here I go again. Though I keep searching for an answer, I can't seem to find what I am looking for; the LORD I pray to give me strength to carry on ...

Note - that is the picture that God drew for me, or through me (the first picture) and the second is the real Lake St

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Note - that is the picture that God drew for me, or through me (the first picture) and the second is the real Lake St. Mary. From the first picture, believe it or not, I somehow got here from the conclusion that God was talking about Lake St. Mary. I was searching for Malachi in the Northern Rockies; I was thinking Colorado, not Montana. God knew what He was doing, and He got me there.
     If you look at the first picture, I knew God was gonna write through me; I was excited and wrote, I, the LORD, say...  Then I thought - hey, wait a minute, these aren't letters; oh no!  I finally figured out later that they were mountains - a mountain range. 
     If it weren't for the little triangle, I wouldn't have figured anything out.  As soon as God drew it, I thought - just what is that?  I was fixated on it from the beginning.  God knows everything.  I didn't find out the name of the lake immediately; I did a couple weeks after God drew this. 
Note #2 - If you like this, you might want to check out  RETURN OF THE CHRIST; it is on my other account Laid_Back_Mack.  RETURN OF THE CHRIST is kinda of a continuation of this path that God has put me on.  I have some important information that I am dying to share.  I think it is time, but what I think is not important - it is what God thinks, and I am usually wrong :-) 
    All of this is non-fiction, and I do not lie.  God is in control, but you must have faith in Him!  Btw, He started all this, all the books of verses.  Well, have faith, put God first, and may He bless you with His grace.  He loves you!

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