Whilst Mum spent a few seconds doing all of this, my head turned towards the Garage beside the Store.

      I could hear music playing loudly, as ‘The Cult’ belted out of the speakers of the portable stereo that I had once seen on a shelf inside the Garage.  I could see a pick-up truck was parked halfway inside of the Garage, with its front half out in the open air.  I guessed it was parked so to save on electricity and the mechanics could use the sunlight to see into the motor’s dark crevices.

      I saw that a mechanic which looked to be Ben, was lying underneath the truck and somebody was leaning over the top of it, as the bonnet was propped up. 

      My heart picked up speed, as I recognized the familiar male body wearing scuffed black boots, dirty jeans and a tight grey t-shirt, also covered in dirt and grease.  My breath almost caught in my throat, when I recognized the large muscles straining underneath the t-shirt.  I think I stopped breathing as if by sensing me, Declan’s head rose and he turned my way.  As quickly as his eyes widened by the sight of me, I saw them next narrow into a glare.

      “OK, let’s get this over and done with.” Mum sung, with the shopping list now in her hand. “This shouldn’t take long and besides, your father is probably timing us on his watch!”

      I quickly ducked my head as I followed her into the Store, with Declan’s eyes following us.

      I picked up a carry basket from beside the door and held it for Mum as she walked ahead.  She was almost speed shopping as she didn’t stop, she just simply grabbed as she passed.  The basket quickly began to fill up.  I started to appreciate my extra Werewolf muscle, as the basket began to strain under the load. 

      “Bread…milk…butter…eggs…cheese…juice…toothpaste.” Mum read out the list under her breath, as she breezed down the small aisles.

      As I walked behind Mum, I noticed that we attracted a lot of looks from passers-by.  But then I realized that people weren’t looking at Mum, they were looking at me.   They were all watching with curiosity in their eyes. 

      Frickin’ hell, word travels fast in this tribe!  Does everybody now know that I’m a Werewolf? It looked like it, as I ducked my head to walk quickly after Mum.

      As we passed a group of teenaged boys who were hanging around the sweets shelf, their eyes widened as they took me in.  I think I even overheard one of them inhale deeply as I walked past.  I stopped and turned to give the youth a peculiar look, whose eyes bulged because I looked in his direction.

      “Oh, hi B!” the 14 year old raised his hand to give a small wave.

      “How’s it goin’ B?” his 13 year old friend asked next.

      “That’s a nice er, top that you’re wearing, B.” the other 14 year old boy standing with them, fumbled out.

      I looked on the kids as if they were nuts!  I was wearing a two year old, faded and stretched, red woolen jumper that Grandpa had made me as a Christmas present.  Not to degrade Grandpa’s workmanship, but there was no way that this jumper looked ‘nice’ anymore, especially with all of the holes I accidentally put in it.

      “Come on B.” Mum grabbed hold of my arm to pull me after her.

      Just as I was yanked away, I overheard one of the youths critique the one who remarked on my top; “you don’t say nice top you dumb-ass! You’re supposed to compliment women on their shoes!”

      When I turned my head back around to give the three a funny look, they instantly stood to attention and waved back.  I continued on, shaking my head to myself as I followed Mum to the counter. 

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