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After Jimin and Jeongguk's uncomfortable lounge time, Jimin grabbed a glass of water to take to Taehyung. Before leaving, Jimin made sure to ask Jeongguk if he could leave, which he nervously stuttered through.

He stood from the table then picked up the plate and made his way up the flight of stairs.

Jimin squinted his eyes as he tried to remember which room was theirs. He knew it was opposite the bathroom but he couldn't remember which room the bathroom was as there were a number of doors opposite each other.

To open each door would be a violation of Jeongguk's privacy and that was the last thing Jimin wanted to do, especially when he had taken them into his home which he by all means did not have to do.

Jimin had come to the conclusion that Jeongguk was a good person who was only trying to do the right thing. It was his altruism that drove him to buy them the food he was initially going to steal, and it was his considerateness that led him to allow them to stay in his home.

"Jimin hyung? Are you okay there?" A voice suddenly asked making Jimin jump.

He has almost dropped Taehyung's plate of food on the floor but managed to regain his balance briskly and gripped the plate to ensure it would fall from his hands.

"Hyung, I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you." He apologised as he bowed.

"It's fine." Jimin spoke softly, his cheeks dusted with a bright red from his embarrassment.

"Did you need help? You're looking kind of lost."

"I- I can't remember where the room is..." He explained as he avoided making direct eye contact with Jeongguk.

Jeongguk smiled. He thought quiet a lot of his hyung's and one thing he thought which was undeniable was how cute and childlike they appeared to be. He was slightly hurt by the fact that they came off as scared of him, but he concluded that they'd been through a lot.

If it was anyone else, he would've tried to make more conversation with them to get them talking but with Jimin and Taehyung, he understood and sympathised for them.

"I'll show you hyung. All you have to do is ask and I'd be happy to help." Jeongguk assured Jimin as he flashed him a warm, small smile.

Jimin only nodded and followed after Jeongguk once he begun to walk in front of the older to steer him in the right direction.

"Here we are. I know you're opposed to the idea of believing and trusting me, but I hope I can gain your trust. I really do just want the best for you, even if part of that process involves you swearing at me."

Jimin nodded which gave Jeongguk the all clear to start walking to his own room since it was late and he wanted to catch a decent amount of sleep before having to wake up early in the morning.

"Th-thank you- you jerk!" Jimin shouted before suckling on his plump bottom lip.

Jeongguk stopped in his tracks as a grin suddenly appeared on his face. Once he got ahold of himself, he resumed and made his way into his bedroom without forgetting to close the door behind himself.

Jimin watched as Jeongguk went into his room. He finally let out a breath he had been holding due to his nervousness when he impulsively called out to Jeongguk. He turned to push open their bedroom door and walked in to see Taehyung sat on the bed, staring out of the window.

Jimin closed the door with his hip before strolled to the desk and resting the glass on it.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Jimin asked as he walked up to the foot of the bed.

Taehyung turned his head to make eye contact with Jimin. "I'm... I'm s-sorry."

A singular tear rolled down the young man's cheek. He allowed it to continue rolling with wiping it away. His face was emotionless yet his eyes spoke a thousand words to Jimin.

"Tae, please don't be sorry. If anything, I-I should be. It was inconsiderate of me to even, s-show myself to you like that. I'm sorry baby." Jimin explained as he inched closer to his boyfriend.

Taehyung swallowed thickly. He shakily lifted his hand to cup Jimin's bony cheek. Jimin closed his own eyes as he placed his own hand on top of his boyfriend's and nuzzled his head into his hand. He turned his head to kiss Taehyung's soft, palm.

"I love you Taehyung." Jimin mumbled.

"I lo-love you too... Jimin."

Jimin opened his eyes to see Taehyung's eyes staring at him, darting from left to right as his tears welled up in his eyes. Taehyung's eyes were so glossy it look as if he was about to bawl any second from now.

"Don't cry. It's okay."

Taehyung blinked, keeping his eyes closed for awhile as he tears rolled down his pale face once again. He opened his eyes and surprisingly threw his arms around Jimin's neck and held onto him tightly. Jimin's arms immediately wrapped around Taehyung's unhealthily slim waist. He shuddered when he felt his hip bones prodding at his own muscle ridden arms.

Jimin hated him for what he did to them. He wished he had the strength and emotional and mental stability to tell somebody of the nightmarish things he put them through, but he was weak. He had stripped him of all the confidence and robustness he used to possess.

It hurt to know he couldn't get justice for them because they needed it more than anything. They wanted to be taken seriously, they wanted their safety to be reassured, they wanted to live the normal lives they once lived before him.

"Pro-promise me we'll be f-fine. Tell me we'll n-never see- see him again." Taehyung muttered into Jimin's ear.

Jimin squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't do it for Taehyung. He couldn't bring himself to potentially lie to the one person he loved in a world where he could barely love himself. How could he lie to Taehyung then kiss him so passionately? How would he be able to look him in the eyes and tell him he loved him?

"Baby... I can't. I'm- I'm so sorry but I can't tell you that. But what I can promise you is that I will always protect you from him and anything else that could harm you."

Jimin pulled away from Taehyung and observed his expression. His face was blank, but he wasn't crying. He finally looked up to look at his boyfriend and gave him a small smile.

Taehyung caught Jimin off his guard as he quickly pecked his lips. "Your honesty lets me know I'm safe with you..."

Jimin blushed a deep shade of red which made his his boyfriend giggle. Jimin loosened his hold on Taehyung's waist then made his way to get his water from the desk. Jimin put the glass up to Taehyung's lips and tilted it so he could drink from it.

With him, it was the same thing over and over again for the past year.

Breakfast was plain porridge, lunch was a green apple and for dinner they were only able to eat a small selection of steamed vegetables with no seasoning. If they weren't eating that, they had nothing at all. In most cases, they'd only be allowed an apple a day with a limited amount of water. He always said, skinny is better because nobody wants a fat person. When he would rape Taehyung, Jimin would always hear him say nobody wants to fuck a fat person.

For Jimin, he emotionally abused him into believing he had to be skinny to be liked, let alone loved. When his muscles deteriorated, Jimin saw him smile for the first time on months. He liked to see Jimin looking like nothing but skin and bone. He thought him to finally be attractive when in reality, he was suffering. Jimin wanted to please him but he had an incurable hunger and very limited energy. The feeling was tortuous and one of which he wishes he would never have to experience again in his lifetime.

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