Chapter 1

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Mia's POV 

I groan when hear my two younger brothers banging their fists on my bedroom door. I scream "if you two don't stop in the next two seconds, I will come out there and rip both of your heads off!" They immediately stop. I may not be very strong but when it comes to my brothers, I am thy queen. 

Before they start to annoy me again, I get my lazy ass up, grab my bra from my left and put it on. It's common sense, who in the world wears a bra to sleep? I go into my toilet and start brushing my teeth but when I look up to the mirror I fell, No, there is no way I am going to school with this hair. I got in the shower to do all my business and when I got out, I wrapped myself in a towel and started to dry my hair while brushing it.

Once I was done in the toilet, I got out and decided to wear black pants with an oversized grey sweatshirt. I grabbed my brown hippie school bag and shoved all my notebooks and subject books needed in it and walked downstairs to eat pancakes my mother had made me. Since im the oldest one in the family after... my older brother had passed, i have to sit in the middle of my brothers to stop them from fighting. I'll let you imagine the rest. 

"Honey, how do you think your first day gonna be like?" my mother, Teresa, asked. To be honest, I have not idea what to expect, ever since I moved away from miami, it was hard for me and my family cause it was so different here in San Diego. The people were nicer, the environment and the vibe it gives me is unimaginable. I just hope school won't be a trouble...

"I just wanna survive the first day mom, I don't know what to expect," I sigh. My mom smiled at me and I smiled back.

Once I was done with my breakfast, I put my plate in the dishwasher, grab a quick drink, grabbed my bag and went to the living room. I looked into the mirror, brushed my golden brown hair and decided to just let it down today.


"Are you guys' ready for school?!" my mum shouted when we got in the car. Me and my brothers' looked at each other and shouted a 'yes' back at her. Me and my family have a strong bond after what happened to my brother and my dad. We moved away to forget whatever happened in Miami, all the pain, the torcher, the depression-

"Honk honk!" my youngest brother, Alex screamed in my ear. My eyes widened and I reached for him and was about to pull on his hair when my mom stopped me by pinching my waist. "Ow, what was that for?" I asked. My mother told me to behave myself. He was the one who started it... 

After my mom dropped Alex, my eight year old annoying brother, and Jamie, my nine year old irritating brother off at their school, she started to give me a pep talk on what to expect in school... "Ughhh mom noooo, please no, I don't wanna talk about how to become the most popular girl in school! I'm only 13! I can barely walk," I say. "Fine, fine. Just make sure you know what you're doing in school." She giggles while i roll my eyes playfully. 

My mom dropped me off a while ago at my new school, Convent High. I've been standing in the parking lot for the past 10 minutes not realising I could get hit by a bus like Regina George. I quickly entered the school to get my schedule.

 Suddenly, out of nowhere, this red- headed girl with green eyes just appears in front of me. "Hi! My name is Jessica, you can call me Jess. I'm going to assume you're the new girl, Mia, 'cause you've been standing in the middle of the parking lot for ages looking traumatised. Anyways, my teacher who is soon gonna be your teacher assigned me to show you around the school and to get you your schedule so let's go." Damn, she talks fast.  

After Jess showed me around the school like where the canteen is, the library, the classes and blah blah blah, she leads me to the general office. "Thanks for showing me around, you don't have to show me to my locker or my classes. I'm fine here I'll just find my way." I tell Jess with a smile on my face to show her that I'm really thankful but I just really cannot keep up with what she's saying. Jess smiles back at me and nods her head after we get my schedule for the semester. "Kk, just remember that classes start in half an hour," I nod my head.

Let's see, locker 214, Jesus, how many lockers are there? I quickly try to find my locker but accidentally bumps into some girl that was wearing a grey hoodie, "I'm sorry," I say but she just keeps walking away. Jeez, apology accepted then. 

When I find my locker, I quickly shoved all my subject books in them but Math, ew, I have it for first period. When the bell rang, all the students start to make a move so I immediately slam my locker shut and write my combination on my palm and start to head to class 24 before I get detention on my first day.

Man that girl was so rude, I didn't even get to see her face but something tells me this year isn't gonna go by so fast. She was tall though, the only thing I could see was her curly ish wavy dark brown hair. I just wish i saw her face so I could just ask her why she was such in a rush.

Thats probably the last thing I should be worrying about now. I enter the class to see everyone staring at me, I quickly sit in the third row beside a quite cute guy before the teacher comes.

God what do I even expect next?


hey everyone, I'm not 'new' to wattpad but I am new to writing my own stories and not fanfics. Unfortunately, my other stories will not be confinued cause I wanna focus on this book. This book is inspired by people I know and love/loved. I've decided to start writing as I figured that it would be really awesome to put what happened this year into a book. 


J :)

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