Chapter 3

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After about 2 minutes, the teacher came in and I saw Jess standing behind her so I shot her a smile and got one back in return. Is she like the teachers' pet or something? Everyone quicky got back to their seats and pretended that they were doing their assignments. I rolled my eyes, it was so clear that the teacher obviously knew what they were doing, just watch, they're gonna get in trouble.

"Okay, goodmorning class. Another year and I know it's torture for you but trust me... the next 4 years will pass by really fast and you'll be graduating before you know it." The teacher stopped talking once her eyes met mine and she smiled. Damn. She didn't even yell at them." Class, this is our new student, Mia. Why don't you introduce yourself Mia?" God, this was what I was afaird of.. What am I supposed to say? My dog ate my cat, I'm too sad to talk?

I awkwardly stood up and started talking about myself. " H-hey, my name is Mia Luna De'Angeles. I just moved here to San Diego and uh- My favourite subjects are literature-" I start off before a dude raise his hand up and asks, "you done talking yet?" I immediately shut my mouth.

The teacher walks up to him and tell him that's rude. "Mia, you may sit now, my name is, Ms Emma. You will be partnering Jonah for the whole year so goodluck," the guy who is sat next to me chuckles, I assume he's Jonah. He has a cute laugh. "So class, turn your text books to page 45 and complete sums 1 to 24, you may start now and end when class finishes."

Man, if i can't even talk to introduce myself, how am I gonna survive the semester?

"Hey, my names' Jonah, you may call me Jonah. I was staring at you while you were standing up talking and lemme just tell you that not everyone in this school is like that wacko. Lemme just state facts here, I heard you're from Miami and they don't take it very hard there but here in Cali, man it's crazy so like just be careful with who you tell your secrets to and who to trust. Little advice, stay close me whenever you see someone looking at you like they gonna kill you or just stay close to me because I'm probably your only friend here." He winks.

Um one thing I learnt, Jonah is a straight up dude and that now I understand where Ms Emma was coming from. "Hey, I've met people here, like Jess-" I say before he interrupts me .

"Ha! Jess? She is the type of girl you stay away from. I'm telling you Mia, She's bad news." I roll my eyes at his use of words and start on my assignment with him.

"Do you wanna meet my friends later for lunch?" He asks a bit nervous which is so surprising cause of how he talked not a while ago. "Why not?" I say before I can even think about it. I mean I don't have any friends at the moment but him... I think.



I quickly manage to get to the field before coach Darling closes the tryouts. "Kiara, you're late. You're lucky my boys wanted to see a girl run around in circles on the field," She laughs. Um rude much? Does she not realise she's female too? Coach Darling has been my P.E. teacher for about my whole life in middle school until now, ugh. Can't believe she's the coach for the rugby team.

"Sorry coach it won't happen again," not sorry. I quickly put my books down and took my hoodie off and put my old jersey on, I'm already wearing my rugby shorts under and I put my cleats on and we don't need a mouth guard for tryouts o it's ok.

Coach asks us to run 10 rounds around the field and the person who finishes first gets in the team, whoever didn't will have to go for the next tryout. We are allowed to tackle whoever gets in our way or whoever knocks us down.

This is it...

when It's all over, I didn't really notice cause Coach didn't blow the whistle or anything so don't know who gets in, I'm even surprised we didn't even play a game.

"Alright, you guys will know who got in and who will be coming for the next tryouts by tomorrow." I nod my head and take a quick shower beside the girls locker room and when I get out I quickly dried off and changed to my normal clothes and rushed to Math class before it ends.



Man, this girl seems so different and I dont even know how. I mean like I just met her how is she so damn pretty? Like I'm not even judging by the outside, when she stepped in the class she didn't even bother about the guys' who were staring from the back. Like seriously dude.

I see her getting so stressed out over the problem sum and I try to help her out. " Have a problem there, sunshine? " What the actual hell, Jonah. Sunshine? Seriously?!

"Sunshine?" She raises her eyebrows. Woah. "But yeah. What the hell is all thi supposed to mean like seriously, who would even have 345 watermelons in they're house?!" I chuckle at her confusion and it seemed to make her smile.


While Jonah and I finish out assignment 20 minutes before the next class, we started asking each oher random questions like, what do you do when you get stuck in the toilet? what's your favourite colour?

Then I hear the door open, "You're late again Kiara..." Ms Emma says.

This girl named, Kiara, walks in the class... she looks familiar from her hair but that's imopssible cause the girl that bumpred into me had a hoodie on, this girl is wearing a black shirt and I dont see a hoddie anywhere. She was beautiful; her big brown eyes with longass eyelashes, her amazing shoulder length chestnut brown hair, she was tall as hell, her choice of clothing isn't that bad, I think I overdressed... "Sorry miss, I had tryouts."

As soon as Ms Emma dismissed her, she turned to look my way and we made eye contact for a bit, she was staring into my soul and it felt like our hearts met but she walked away... what was I even thinking? She's a girl, Mia. Get over it.

She walked to the back of the class and sat beside this girl who was almost as beautiful as she was.

God, Mia, concentrate...


Hii so this is probably weird or something... i updated twice today well not technically,,, its 1 am and I'm bored so yeah I finished this chapter too... just wait for Kiara's point if view in the next chapter ;)

btw I wont really like base this book on just one year, the years are gonna skip probably every 4 chapters idk so that year 12 can come... but... year 11 and 12 wont just be 4 chapters obviously... so yeah.

no the book isn't called 12 years bc of year 12... just wait and see....


J :)

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