Chapter 2

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Kiara's POV

Another day in hell, how great. I wake up to my younger brother Jacob singing "Drag Me Down"  by One Direction. I think the band is too overrated, I mean come on, one guy leaves and the rest slowly leaves one by one? I mean isn't it like a recipe to getting attenion?

Anyways, I sit up on my bed and yawn. I look at my alarm clock beside me 6 am. Seriously Caleb?! He decides to wake me up an hour before my alarm clock rings, ugh.

I grab my phone from my side table, and go through my tumblr to post a new quote, maybe life isn't for everyone, I know what you're thinking, yes, I am an emo kid but at the same time, who the hell cares?

Once its been 30 minutes of me going on my phone, I charge it again and do all my business in my toilet. I dry my hair after showering and brush my teeth. When my cury hair is dry, I look into the mirror, hell no. It's puffy, whatever, what do i expect anyways?

I get out of the toilet and dry myself and put on some undergarments and a bra. After that's done, I go to my closet to find something to wear. Honestly, besides other girls, I don't really care how I look, I mean it's literally the same people who see me everyday since I was in middle school.

I put on a black shirt and some jean shorts from Levis, I quicky grab my hoodie and shove it in my bag so my mother doesn't see me bring it. She's so agains't me bringing it, heat stroke she says, it's freaking 25 degrees outside for gods sake!

I gently put my irrelevant-to-life subject books and notebooks in my leather back pack, grab my phone and earphones and run out my room to go downstairs and eat breakfast with my mum, Catherine, Daddy, Austin, and my numbskulled brother, Caleb.

I sit on the counter table and my mum gives me my cereal and i finish it up in 2 minutes. " So tryouts today, huh?" My dad asks. I'm really nervous for trying out in the boys' rugby team like, I'm gonna be the only girl there plus I'm a shy bitch.

I've been training for this my whole life and have always been so confident about being accepted to the team. Ever since last week I kept thinking about it, which lead to overthinking that lead me to insecurities. What if I'm too fat to be in the team, or what if they don't like me? What if... I don't make the cut?

" Yeah, tryouts today, I'm pretty chill about it, daddy, I'm just nervous, that's all. Oh and that I don't know what I'm gonna do if I don't make the team," I say.

" Dude, you're the most amazing rugby player I know and you're my daughter, my daughter never backs down. Even if you don't get in, it's their loss, they're missing out on a lot." My dad points out and Caleb rolls his eyes. Wow, my dad has never ever been my dad since 2 years ago.


After I had finished eating my breakfast, I gulp down my chocolate milk and head out, saying bye.

Another day in hell

I run out of my front yard and wave my hand to show the bus driver lady, Karen, that I'm about to board the bus. When I get on, I greet her hey and she says it's noice to see me again... she's Australian.

I have to make my way through the floor or terror, the first 4 rows, the swimmers of Convent high. Ashvin, the pretty one, Nora, the nice one, Anola, the dumb one and last, Emily, the popular one a.k.a. the always mean one.

I quickly head my way to the back of the bus to avoid converstations so I sit and plug my earphones in my phone, wear them, put my hoodie on and just enjoy the ride to school as always.


When I got off the bus, I was the last one to leave, obviously, so I thank Karen and get off her bus. When I look up, I could this girl standing in the middle of no where. I don't know whether to tell her to move before she gets killed,, or to just walk away and mind my own business. I walk away, there's no way I'm getting distracted from rugby today.

I quickly run to my locker, 210, and put my whole bag in my locker. I take out my Math stuff, shut my locker and run off to the school roof to meet my bestfriend, Parker.

I finally reach the schools rooftop without any teacher noticing and greet Parker, "Rissa, Rugby today and I'm nervous as hell!" Parker has always been supportive of me, he's the only person I've ever trusted, not because of the support but for different reasons too.

"I know! I'm so freaking excited for you. At the same time how many times have I told you to stop calling me 'Rissa' since year 2? oh yea, everyday of my life!" We both chuckle and I sit down beside him before school starts.

We started talking about life and what we did after graduating middle school. Thank the lord that we never parted like literally almost every friendship did after middle school. Holy shit. " PARKER, you made me late for try outs!" this is the problem with us, we never check the time.

" OKAY, WOAH, you never told me that tryouts were before school started!" Parker exclaims and I roll my eyes, I quickly told him I would talk to him later and I bolted off.

I ran as fast as o could down the halls sraight down classes and accidentally bumped into some girl I didn't know. I didn't bother to look, all I care now is that I make it before tryouts are done, though I heard her say "I'm sorry". I felt bad for not responding but my future is depending on this. I couldn't looks back at whoever that was.

*sigh* I ran faster than I ever thought I could...


Hi it's me again. I hope you liked this chapter in Kiara's point of view, trust me I get that this is boring as hell but trust me, like every other book there's always drama in the middle.


J :)

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