Part 2: Crush/Die In Your Arms

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Ally POV  

After I got into costume I went to go talk to my usually little group of friends Heather, Misty, Kolton, Morgan, and Sabrina. Those are the people I seem to get along with the best. They don't cause drama at all (: I glanced over and saw that Tiffani and Sarah talking... Probably talking smack on somebody, Sarah and I used to do everything together we planned auditioning for this show so we could spen more time together...But, we hardly talk at all because she is so far up Tiffanis butt. My heart skipped at beat when I heard the door close I looked over at the door and I saw James walk in, he saw me look over and he gave me a smile. I returned it. He started to walk my way until I heard "BABE!!!" he all of a sudden stopped smiling and replaced it with a frown. I don't even know why Tiffani calls him babe... They aren't freaking dating. Oh well what am I going to do... Well some time went on and James came and sat next to me.. I could feel my whole face going red.. Yikes I hope nobody notices. But of course I spoke to soon.

"Ally is blushing!!" Little Sabrina blurted out.

Gee for just being young she sure has a blabber mouth. I thought to myself.

"Its only because I'm here Sabrina" James said as he looked at me with a smile on his face.

I tried to sound sarcastic when I answered him even though it was the truth.. "Suuuuure of course it is James whatever floats your boat!!"

I glanced over to see Tiffani I could tell she was pissed.. Oh well he came over here on his own (:


"WARMUPS ON STAGE THANK YOU!!" we all replied in unison.

Seriously did they seriously call warmups on stage right now, right when he sat down? Well I managed to make my way thru the crowd and onto the stage. Of course Tiffani got a hold of James so it was James, Tiffani and Sarah. I was with Misty and Heather, and don't get me wrong I love those two but sometimes I kinda wish that it would just be James and me. Well they were playing pretty dumb songs for warmups so I kinda was just standing there like a stick in the mud. James came over to me and asked why I wasn't dancing. I just told him I didn't feel like it. So he grabbed my hands and forced me to dance even though I acted like I hated it I loved the idea that he was over with me instead of the sluts. Then they had to change the stupid song so he let go.. Honestly.. Do they hate me today?

It was time for our break and James came up to us and let out this over exaggerated sigh. I asked him what was up and he was like "I don't want to go home after practice." I saw this as a perfect opportunity to invite him over to my house. "You can come home with me afterwards"

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah why not?" I answered.

"Okay I will" he said.

I got to thinking... What if he was just kidding and I tottally made an idiot of myself.. Uhm I'll just act like I was kidding if it's brought up...

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