Part 19

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Ally's POV

We ended up talking about Sam for a long time he was telling me everything sparing no detail whatsoever. By the way he described her made me feel good like he has finally had a reason to be him again I wanted him to share his Vininess towards her. I knew that she would make him happy and that's all I really wanted for him. Happiness. The only bad part of this was that she lived in a different town. It wasn't far from here just about an hour or so but I knew that might cause some problems. No worries though I knew that in the end everything was going to work.

Vin's POV

I just kept blabbing about Sam to Ally telling her absolutely everything. I felt like a girl because I know that is what girls do 24/7 they just talk about boys and other girl things. Sam was an amazing girl she was funny, talented, great spirtited just everything I wanted. Although my heart was completely dedicated to Ally I knew that Sam would make me feel complete. I knew that if I had her in my life only good things were going to happen we were going nowhere but up together. I knew that Ally would do everything in her possible ability to help me with winning Sam over. She had come up with so many possible things we can do. She also kept coming up with all the things they would do together all girl time and what not I laughed at some of the things she came up with but I mean some of the things she did say were pretty likely because Ally and Sam are so much alike they have the same bubbly personality, full of life and just an amazing person overall.

"Okay okay well invite her for a movie night at my house Vin" she told me.

"Okay okay" I texted her asking her about it and she responded rather quickly faster than normal she agreed. She thought it'd be fun to meet Ally and James. I talked about Ally a lot with her telling how good of a friend she was and how I hoped they would become friends. I told Ally she agreed and she just bounced up and down with so much joy. I knew that she wanted this to be perfect and end perfectly as well. So I left her in charge of everything and let her call the shots.

"Okay Vin I've decided that we're going to watch scary movies okay." she told me. I was kinda surprised she chose that Ally absolutely hates scary movies. She wasn't ever able to watch a whole movie without shutting her eyes and screaming or just turning it off and watching a stupid movie.

"Are you sure Ally you hate scary movies"

"Yes Vincent I am sure, I know I hate scary movies but this is the only way were going to get you to bust the move on her I mean she will be scared and you will protect her okay see where I am going with this Vincent." she told me.

"Yes I do believe so. You have this all planned out don't you Ally?" she just had this all imagined in her head on how this was all going to work and it just made me laugh how she thought she knew everything I just hope everything she said was going to be how everything will end up I don't want to make myself look like an idiot.

"Yes I do Vincent you just have to go with what I say and everything shall be grand. I'm a girl I know how girls work. Just trust me on this."

"I do trust you." I did really trust her and if everything fell apart I would still trust her with everything. I didn't know how this night would go but I know that everything will have a happy ending. With or without Sam under my arm.

*3 Days Later*

Ally's POV

I have been working my butt off for this night to be perfect. I wanted my best friend to be happy and for that to happen tonight had to be just grand. I had the movies all ready the snacks were sitting on the table everything was just perfect. If tonight didn't go as planned then I think I might just stab myself in the foot. But I doubt that will end up happening.

"Okay soooo now we just wait for Vin to get here with Sam they should be here anytime now."

"Yup, Ally you need to chill everything will be fine. You're stressing over little things" James told me. He was right I did need to chill I mean if Sam didn't want to be Vin's girlfriend then oh well it was out of my control but as much as I wanted my best friend to be happy I needed to look at another possibility on how things would end.

James' POV

Ally had been working her butt off for a simple little movie night. I know that she wanted this to be a good day and all but she needed to realize things wont always go her way. I was just afraid to see how she would take it if tonight didn't go as she wanted it to go. But I was going to be here to comfort her because she is overly sensitive to stuff like this but she'll get over it she always does.

"Where are they? They should've been here by now!" Ally said.

"Ally chill they'll be here just wait" I told her. Ally was a very impatient girl she always has been.

"Ugh they just need to be here" she said as she flopped onto her bed

I heard the door open and I knew they have arrived Ally didn't even notice because she was too busy complaining about how late they were and how her schedule would be all messed up and what not. Geez that girl was impatient. I cleared my throat so Ally knew to shut up so she didn't say anything infront of Sam that could mess things up.

Ally's POV

I turned to see why James cleared his throat then I saw them. Hand in hand. Was I missing something but I wasn't going to ask questions I was just going to see if he'd say anything. I walked over next to James and introduced myself since Vin was just kind of standing there not saying anything.

"Hi I'm Ally, you must be Sam I've heard so many good things about you" I told her as I extended my hard and shaking her hand. I don't know if it was just me but I felt like this weird vibe when she shook my hand. Nothing to worry about though everything was going to be great.

Vin's POV

Well here it was. I couldn't find the words to introduce Sam and I guess Ally was just being her impatient self and introduced herself before I could. I had to tell her that I had already asked Sam to be my girlfriend and she agreed I think she might already assume that since we walked in holding hands. She didn't say anything though... maybe she's just waiting for me to say it.

"Hi I'm James it's very nice to meet you Sam." James said as he shook Sam's hand. It was a good feeling being in the same room with the girl I really liked my best friend and her boyfriend. I knew that tonight was going to be a good night.

"Guys just thought I'd mention that Sam and I are officially a couple." I announced only to hold Sam closer to me. I saw Ally's face lit up. Uh-oh here it comes.

"I KNEW IT GOSH DANGIT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?!? BUT AWE SO CUTE! SO HAPPY FOR YOU" she just kept jumping up and down and poking me. She was so dang weird.

"Yes Ally I'm sorry I didn't tell you but this just happened not long ago sorry I can't text you what I do with my life 24/7" I told her with a laugh coming out of me.

Ally's POV

Yup I knew it they were together maybe that's why they took forever to get here. Oh well they are here now it's time to get this show on the road.

"Alright movie time"

Everything was going good I sensed only happiness in the room. The boys went upstairs really fast to go do "guy stuff" whatever that is and I was left alone in the room with Sam. I found this as a perfect opportunity for me to get her better.

"I'm so glad that you and Vin are together." I told her with a big smile on my face. I had a feeling this was going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship

"Yeah I don't like you" she said with the nastiest tone.

"I feel the same wa-- wait what?" I asked her. I couldn't believe she said that I didn't even do anything to her for her to get all bitchy like this.

"You heard me I don't like you."

Well shit this night wasn't going as expected.

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