Part 14

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Ally's POV

Vin and I have been sitting in my car for a while now. Neither of us have said anything after I let all my feelings out it was an awkard silence a very long awkward silence.

"Say something Vincent." I told him. I needed to know what he was thinking about this. He has no way to be upset that I'm with James he has no reason to be fucking his life up. Because he did this to mee and I didn't do any of this. I moved on as much as it killed me I made my life so much better by spending it with my friends and being able just to live life. I wasn't going to spend my days just being depressed about it yeah I was hurt but I mean I got over it I didn't drink or do drugs and just get in trouble I was still me I was still Ally. Something that Vin had to do because the path he was taking he was going nowhere good.

"What do you want me to say Ally that I'm okay with this, I'm okay with seeing you with another guy. I'm happy for you." he told me.

"Vin really this is exactly what you did to me with Rylee and it killed me but did you see me doing drugs or getting drunk on a daily basis. Vin we are still young you can't be fucking your life up you need to move on I mean yeah it can hurt like a bitch I know it does I've been there. I didn't make stupid decisions because you totally left me. I'm still here for you. You're still my best friend you've never stopped being my best friend even though we went our distance ways I always watched out for you. That's why I'm here Vin. I want to help you I want you to be you again and not be doing stupid shit okay. I want you to trust me with anything Vincent please let me be there for you."

"Ally I'm about to something but I don't want you to get mad at me Ally I can't let you get mad at me but this I have to do. It'll help me."

I wasn't sure on what he was referring to but whatever it took I was willing to take. "Just do it V-" My words were cut off by the smashing of Vins lips on mine. What the fuck just happened. I pulled away almost instantly like it was some sort of reflex. "Vin we can't do this, I can't do this I have a boyfriend, I'm with James Vin you know that."

" I know that's why I told you you couldn't get mad at me at what I was going to do and you said you wouldn't so you can't get mad at me Ally that's all I wanted from you okay please just take me back to Nates I'll be fine I just really needed that okay please just trust me on that. Okay?"

I wasn't sure if I should take him back I mean I trusted Nate taking care of him but I wasn't sure. I called Nate just in case to see if he wanted to take Vin back to his house. He agreed so I took him back I didn't mention any of what happened to Nate I don't think that is something I should say. I'm postitive Vin would blab all about it. I drove back and I decided to call James I still felt like a horrible person since I lied to him but hey what was I suppose to do. What he doesn't know wont hurt him besides he wasn't going to find out about that kiss. I called him but he didn't answer. I didn't expect him to it was 4 in the morning, I spent my whole night dealing with the whole Vin thing I just hope that none of this would come back and bite me in the butt.


I had been woken up by a soft peck on my lips I opened my eyes to see James hovering above me. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Oh I just wanted to come see you since I didn't get to see you last night I hope that is okay?" he told me.

"Of course it's okay I called you earlier but I think you were sleeping." I told him.

"Yes that is what normal people do at 4 in the morning babe" he told me as he chuckled. I still felt really bad about everything but I couldn't let that show.

"What's on the agenda for today?" I asked him.

"Anything my princess wants to do today" he told me as he kissed me gently.

"Hmmm well in that case let's pick up where we left off yesterday" I told him as I pulled him back into me. I could tell right away that today was going to be a good day

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