Part 16

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Ally's POV

Vin and I just laid in my bed for the rest of the night we didn't say anything we didn't move we just laid there. I enjoyed his company it reminded me of the days when we would spend an entire day together and just be us we had no worries in the world. Just two best friends making the most of everything. I had missed this feeling I shifted onto my side to look at Vin in the eyes. I was never really good at making eye contact with people but this was an exception. "Vin why'd you do it?"

"I don't know Allz I just was drawn in like something was calling me in I wasn't going to stay under forever I just went in for a little dip"

"Yeah something was calling you in it's called freaking stupidity you know how dangerous the river is Vin and you did it anyway. Those currents could've pulled you under. What would have you done then?"

I felt like a parent yelling at their child but seriously that's what had to happen Vin was seriously having some issues if this didn't stop I am going to tell his parents. I mean I was already lying to James. I mean I trust James with everything in me but this was just something I didn't want to talk about I mean what would I say. Hey James, So Vin has some issues and he needs me by his side 24/7, I've lied to you twice because I had to go see Vin because he was drunk the first time and the second time he had some damn suicidal thoughts. I mean I'm pretty sure James would understand but what if he wasn't so understanding and jumped to conclusions and it ended up hurting Vin more. I wanted to make sure Vin would heal on his own ways no ugly endings I just want this to be good in the end without the heart break the drama just everything that is negative.

"Ally I'm sorry okay I'm stupid I know but I would've been fine okay trust me besides I'm here now and you're here now so everything is good okay?" he told me

"How could you possibly act like you don't even care like this didn't happen Vin okay?" I was so mad at him now he sure knew how to ruin a person's good mood.

"Look okay I admit that was stupid of me to do but it's not that big of a deal Ally."

"Not a big deal Vin?! Are you serious do you know how much I'm putting on the line for your little games? I'm lying to James. Even though you might not give a shit about him I do okay he is my boyfriend he is the one that makes me happy Vin okay? It's hard to lie to him about this because I don't want to lose your trust in this Vin do you know how hard it fucking is just dropping him and everything? I'm risking my realationship for you I risked my life for you tonight Vin and you're acting like this is nothing when it clearly it is. It hurts how you are doing this to yourself and not give a flying fuck on how it effects the people around you. Think about how your parents would feel about this Vin really c'mon get your damn shit together. Nate is confused and lost without you, you're his fucking best friend and you're just throwing your life away. You can't even get me started on how this is effecting me. I'm lost without you Vin.. the real Vin my best friend, my other half. Seeing you like this kills me that's why I'm doing what I'm doing risking everything for you and I just can't handle it anymore Vincent I just can't. I hate lying to James I hate it okay. Please just get your shit together so everything can go back to normal."  at this point I was bawling but my words were coming out of me with tons of power I felt awful for saying all these things to Vin but he needs to get his shit straight I just can't handle this anymore.

"Look on the bright side you don't have to lie to James anymore." he told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Turn around" he told me. I did as he said and there was James standing in my door way just looking at me with the expression I couldn't  read it and I just had a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that this was going to end really really badly.

"W-What are you doing here James?" I asked him.

"Well I wanted to surprise you and wanted to check up on you and I didn't want to get a lie over a text message. So I kinda just showed up." he told me.

"How'd you get in the doors are locked though?" I asked him.

"I've got a key remember." he said as he waved my house key infront of his face.

"How much of that did you hear...?" I asked him.

"Enough" he said with a stern voice.

"James' I started to say only to get cut off.

"No you don't need to explain anything Ally.." he told me.

"I'll just let you guys talk I'll just show myself out." Vin said as he walked past James

"Vin wait don't go." I told him.

"No it's fine thanks Allz." he said as he walked up the stairs.

I wanted to go after him so bad and James could see that I wanted to chase after him but I couldn't I had explaining to do and I couldn't leave him again.

"Go." James told me as he nodded my head.

"Thank you" I told him as I hurried past him.

"I love you Ally" James told me. I immediately turned around and looked at him for a second. He said it. I love you.

"I love you too James so much." I told him as I ran after Vin

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