not even a demon can run away from their feelings.

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Ritsuka's POV: 

If i am falling for shiki what about Rem? i loved rem first.......but shiki is just so much nicer i wish he would tell me he loved me again. But if he was willing to marry someone else that means he didn't really love me at all. i feel so deceived but now that i am a demon that means that i can do whatever i want to do. I want to be with the one i truly love but how can i know if i don't even know who loves me? 

Shiki's POV:

my heart is racing, her bra and her......why.........did....this...happen. i don't like her let her anymore she is Rem's girl....buuuuuuuut, he did try and marry some other girl....

maybe if i seduce her i can get her to give me consent for ummmmm.....

OMG no shiki why am i having those thoughts about ritsuka,

"shiiiiiiiiiiiiiki" she sang "why the blushing face?" she asks giggling

"wha-" i ask

"those thoughts are a bit rude shiki" Rem interrupts

"REM!!!!" i gasp

"what thoughts? please do tell...." Rtsuka asked her voice was like cream sooooo thick but soooooo thin (you can't swim through it, it's too thick, you can't float on it, it too thin, you'll drown) 

"well, shiki was thinking of seducing you, so you would give him consent....."

"shiki natsumezaka.......naughty little angel aren't you, you dirty little boy....." she whispered as Rem and Shiki were trapped in fear, "oh, how i yearn for your attention as a human, but as a demon, you re nothing but a pawn of which i can get energy from....plain to see......"she whispered

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