Chapter 2

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Wattpad is being stupid and placed this chapter in front of the first one. So if you haven't read chapter 1, then click ahead and go read it :D Sorry guys

Chapter 2

I followed Carlisle an his sons to a big house in the woods. It was gorgeous. The whole house looked like it was made of glass. It looked so open.

Carlisle led me into the house, calling out to the rest of his family. 6 people came into the living room.

"Everyone this is...." he looked over at me, realizing he didnt get my name.

"Maria." I said, finishing his sentence.

A lady with dark brown hair stepped forward.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Maria. I'm Esme." she said, pulling me into a hug.

I smiled, and hugged her back.

"The pleasure is mine. And you have a beautiful name. French isn't it?" I asked.

"Oh. Parlez-vous français?" (Oh. Do you speak French?)

"Oui. Je ne parle en fait français." (Yes. I do in fact speak French.)

She smiled and nodded.

"How old are you?"

asked a little girl. My eyes widened when I saw her. She's an immortal child. I'm in the midst of criminals. I-

My thoughts were interrupted.

"She is a hybrid. She isn't immortal."

I looked over at the boy.

"How did you know I thought that?" I asked.

"I'm a mind reader." he replied.

I nodded, and looked at the little girl.

"I just celebrated my 1,214 birthday a month ago." I told her.

"No way! Your a thousand years old!" she said said, walking up to me.

"Renesmee!" said, I'm assuming, her mother.

"It's okay. I don't mind talking about my age." I told her politely.

"Okay. As long as she doesn't get on your nerves. I'm Bella, and this my husband Edward." she said, gesturing to the mind reader.

"Nice to meet you." I said, as Renesmee led me over to couch.

"I'm Alice." said a girl, walking up to me. She was small and petite with pixie cut hair. She sat on the couch by me. "I love your style."

"Thank you." I said. "I love yours also."

Renesmee poked me in the side, turning my attention back to hers.

"Yes dear?" I asked.

"So, you lived through the Civil War, and the War of 1812?" she asked excitedly.

"Well, yes. But I was living in England at that time. Not America.

"Whoa." she said, amazed.

"If you don't mind me asking, who is your creator?" Carlisle asked.

I thought for a minute, who is my creator?

"Ummm, I'm not sure actually. I just remember laying in the street, near death, when a man came up and....turned me."

He nodded understandingly.

"So, you had no choice?" asked a blonde headed girl. "I'm Rosalie by the way."

"It's nice to meet you Rosalie, and no. I didn't." I said.

She gave me a sad smile, as if she understood how that felt. I'm pretty sure they all did.

"So, will you be staying with us?" piped Alice.

"Oh. Um..." I looked at Carlisle.

"If you would like." he said smiling.

I looked around the room trying to read the Cullen's expressions. They all seemed happy to have me. I smiled. This was the first time another vampire had showed me hospitality.

"Um, yes. I would love to stay with you all." I finally said.

Renesmee smiled and hugged me.

"Can you tell me some stories Maria?" she asked.

I smiled, for once feeling truly wanted. "Of course Mí Angelo."

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