"Does your mom know about you leaving to the academy yet?" Asked Melinda

I sighed, there's the one flaw in me getting accepted, she didn't know that I would be leaving, nor did I even tell her I applied. Not that I truly believe that she would be worried about me at all, but I would also be 18 in another month, so by the time I am to leave, I'll be 18 and she will no longer be in control of any part of my life. Not that most of my life right now is based on her opinion, hell, for all I know she probably thinks that I have no friends, unless in her always drunken state she happens to remember the girls, but that's very unlikely. Casey's parents have met my mother once, and instantly accepted me into there's, as well as Alex and Melinda's. A lot of my childhood memories were spent at one of their houses.

" Yeah no, I swear if I told her she would come up with some random bullshit as to how I would fail, and never amount to anything and blah blah blah. Quite frankly I am just going to keep it to myself and the day that I leave to attend it, pack up all my things, and never look back in her direction again."

The girls all nodded their heads knowing that I wasn't joking about it, and they agreed that it would be the best thing to do. After having to rescue and house me for years because my mother decided she wanted to have a couple rounds, they despised the woman almost as much as I did. Although, in my head I knew that it wasn't entirely her fault. She didn't ask to be raped, nor did she expect to deal with the aftermath. The only question that used to run through my mind when I was younger is how I ever did anything wrong to her? How could you put all blame into an innocent baby? So fresh and brand new to the world? That thought would run rampant through my mind and drive me crazy. Now I gave up trying to figure Serena Benson out coming to the conclusion that I would never know.

"Well, let's just say that once we are finally done with high school we stay in contact. None of that, We have our lives and get to busy for each other. I have known all you since Elementary basically and I don't know what I would do if I lost you guys." Alex stated.  Looking sternly at all of us.

"I agree. Plus, you guy's no to much, If I lost y'all as friends, I'd have to kill ya." I jokingly say, winking at them, all of us sub coming to laughter.

The bell finally rang, the girls and I grab our bags speedily escaping the teen filled room. After we all went our separate ways, Casey and I headed towards our houses, only reason she picked and dropped me off all the time is because she lived a block away so it was basically on the way.

"If you wanted I could ask mom if you could tag along to the BBQ, I know she wouldn't mind." Casey stated pulling into the front of my house. As much fun as that sounded, I wanted to just go upstairs, cook a small dinner and lay down upstairs in my bed watching movies and messaging Elliot since I hadn't messaged him basically all day, with an exception of my 'Good Morning' text message.

"I'll have to pass this time Case, I just want to relax in my room in the quite haha, finish off any projects I have, do some cleaning in my room. You can text me though if you get to bored!" I smiled.

"Ugh! I was hoping you'd save me. Fine. I'll go with my snotty brother and crazy parents." Casey sighed. I laughed at her dramatics. She smiled back both of us promising to message each other and call later, I exited her car, and walked towards my house opening the door instantly hearing my name get yelled. Shit.

"Yes mom?" I asked, tentatively walking into the kitchen where her voice had carried throughout the house.

"I made some Alfredo and a side salad if you're hungry." She smiled.

I was confused. This morning she was piss poor drunk snapping at me and now she's cooking me dinner? What's the catch.

"Hey babe, you almost ready to go?" A guy with dark brown hair, wearing a one size bigger leather jacket and jean pants, said walking out of the bathroom, air drying his hands a bit.

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