03. On the Hook

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Justice's P.O.V.

     "Ok girls listen up." Jacqueline screamed as I and the rest of the girls trying out for the cheerleading team formed a huddle around her. "In order to be a cheerleader, you have to be in tip top shape. In order to be in tip top shape, you have to run. With that being said, you guys are going to run those bleachers until I tell you to stop."

At the mention of running and bleachers, all the girls groaned including me. I honestly didn't get why I was here. Cheerleading was the last thing I ever wanted to find myself doing and I made that completely clear with Robin and Jackie at the lunch table earlier but the two insisted I come to try out anyway. So far, we had done a number of exercises and workouts that had left my legs feeling like jelly. Now they wanted me to run up and down some bleachers like a crazy person. That wasn't going to happen.

"You okay Justice?" Jacqueline asked as she approached me.

"Not really." I replied deciding to take a seat on sideline of the football field. "My legs are killing me."

"Why don't you take 5?" Robin said coming up beside me. "We'll let you know when it's time for you and the other girls to run the bleachers."

Robin and Jacqueline then walked away leaving me by my lonesome. I sighed turning around to look up at Norcom High's dirty and unsturdy football bleachers. I was in no rush whatsoever to run up and down them for God knows how long.

"Set! Hut!" I heard a man who I'm assuming is the football coach yell then whistle to the boys on the field. My eyes landed on Lance as he move in and out avoiding tackles with such ease.

He reminded me of my old private school quarterback except Lance played way better and was much lighter on his feet. Once the play was over, the coach whistled for the boys to take a break and grab some water.

"Like what you see?" The voice caused me to almost jump out of my skin. I looked to see the boy Robin described to me as her asshole of ex ,Timothy, had taken a seat next to me on the sideline.

"What?" I said now trying to recover myself.

Timothy chuckled. "You looking at my guy, Lance. You got a thang for him?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said shooting him down. I wasn't necessarily lying because I really didn't know Lance that well to have any kind of 'thang' for him as Timothy would say.

"I'm Timothy by the way but you can call me Tim." He said reaching his hand out expecting for me to shake it.

I looked down at it before rolling my eyes. "I know who you are."

"Damn girly." Timothy said cracking up. "You really did your research huh?"

I said nothing as I got up to attempt to stretch my legs knowing Jacqueline and Robin would be over any minute now to tell me that it was time to run. Timothy then got up and stood in front of me watching me stretch.

"I rather you not." I barked.

"Calm down. No need to flip out." He assured me. "I just want to talk to you about something."

"And that is?" My patience was quickly wearing thin with the boy.

"Word around the school is that you're an egg head."

I squinted my eyes in confusion not knowing if Timothy had just tried to insult me or complement me since I didn't know the meaning of 'egg head.' It certainly didn't sound too good to me. "A what?"

"My bad." He said holding his hands up to side of his head in mock surrender. "Around here, egg head means someone who is smart, kinda nerdy even."

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