01- The Beginning

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Justice P.O.V.

The sound of my alarm blaring through the house caused me to cover my head with the closest pillow in hopes of zoning it out and getting more sleep.

"Justice ! . . . Justice! " I heard our maid, Geneva yell as she stop the alarm and attempted to shake me away. "If you don't get up now, you're going to be late for your first day."

My head peaked out under the pillow at the realization that today was in fact my first day at I C Norcom High School. After waiting for 2 weeks, Daddy had finally manage to get me enrolled. I already had my schedule and locker combination.

"I'm up. I'm up." I said throwing the covers back and racing to my bathroom to get ready.

Geneva laughed at my excitement. "Well don't take to long. Your breakfast is ready in 10."

"Ok!" I yelled back.

20 minutes later I walked downstairs wearing a plaque mini skirt , cashmere sweater with collar shirt underneath, and my black calfskin wedge heels. To top it all off, my curly mass of hair was pinned back to the most neatest bun thanks to Geneva.

"Well good morning baby girl." My dad greeted as I took a seat at the dining table right across from Mama.

"Good morning, Daddy." My hands instantly reached out to grab a slice of the warm bacon Geneva had set out.

"You got a big day ahead of you pumpkin." Dada replied. "You sure you ready for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." I answered my mouth filled with eggs.

"As much I hate to sound like your father, Just. Going to I C Norcom High isn't going to be easy." Mama butted in. "Kids are going to see how well off you are, and try to pick with you just because they don't have it. Just ask me and your father, we've been through the same thing."

I rolled my eyes at their little lecture as I started gathering my things. "I know all about you and Daddy, momma . It's all you guys been talking since I mentioned the school."

"And why do you think that is Justice?" My dad asked with stern look on his face. "We only want the best for you babygirl."

"I know Daddy. I know. " I said coming around the table to give him hug and momma a kiss on the cheek. "But if I don't leave now, I'll be late. Is the chauffeur outside?"

"Yes, I reckoned he just pulled up." Geneva informed me.

Ms.Geneva didn't even get to finish her sentence before I flew out the door leaving them all cracking up in the kitchen.

* *

Landon P.O.V.

"What I'm saying is I don't see what the big deal is." Timothy went on. "Okay she rich. And? Half of the black girls who lived uptown are. So what makes her so different."

School was set to start in five. I decided to past time by standing outside and talking to some of my buddies since diaper days, Timothy and Johnny. I was already regretting it since all Tim wanted to talk about was the new girl. Seems like everybody did today.

"You're just mad because she's rich and you're not Tim." Johnny replied shaking his head.

Tim looked taken back but guilty at John's statement. "Nobody is mad. I'm just saying. What you think about this L."

My eyes found the big clock at top of the school building just as the bell rung.

"My thoughts fellas ?" I said starting to walk backwards as I talked to them. "If it doesn't have any thing to do with my family, school or football, then I could care less."

The boys nodded they head and told me they'll see me at lunch before departing as well. Not paying attention, I turned my body around to collide with someone much smaller than me. I immediately look down to find this gorgeous girl laid out on the ground with her belongings all over the place.

"Oh shoot. I'm sorry about that. " I rambled as I extended my hand to help her up. "Are you okay ?"

"I'm fine." The girl smiled as she got up and started to brush the dirt off her sweater and skirt. She then reached out to gather up her books and purse.

"Oh no. Let me. " I said while reaching down to hand her her things. "You must be the new girl."

Before she could even reply our school principal, Ms.Hunz, came rushing over to us. "Oh there you are Justice. Come with me so I can give you a tour before your next class."

The two then started to walk off in the direction of the school. "Oh and Mr.Collins ?"

"Yes Ms.Hunz?" I answered.

"I suggest you get to class. We wouldn't want me to take a visit to our athletic department would we?"

I shook my head no before making my way to class. For some odd reason, I couldn't get the new girl's face out of my head.

* * *

Justice's P.O.V

"And this will be your second class." The principal said while stopping in front of a brown door that was closed. "Now class is just about to get started so you aren't late or anything. "

I nodded. "Thanks for the tour, Ms.Hunz."

"You're welcome Ms.Justice. I hope you grow to like it here at I C Norcom High." She responded while she unlock the door to what I'm guessing is my literature class.

It seem like all the attention seem to focus on me as soon as I walked through the door. Nervous now, I quickly found my seat on the far side of class. After explaining who I was to the teacher in the room, Ms.Hunz then waved and left the room, leaving me in class with my newfound classmates.

"Whats your name love ?" A voice said from above me. I looked up to see the one and only Lance Collins had just approached my desk and he wanted to know my name. "You got a way so fast this morning, I didn't get a chance to get it."

"Justice." I responded.

He grinned. "Nice to meet you Justice. I'm Lance ."

"Oh I know who you are."

If there was anything Daddy talked more about in his lectures about I C Norcom High, it was about the boys who attended there. There were nothing but low down boys who wanted one thing, the cookie. was exactly how he phased it. He specifically mentioned the school's 5 star quarterback and perhaps most popular boy, Lance Collins.

Lance chuckled at my response.

"Well good. I'm glad we are aquatinted." He said before going over to sit in his assigned seat not just a couple desks away from me as the teacher signal the start of literature class. It was weird though, because the entire class I felt the eyes of Lance burning a whole inside the side of my cheek. Call it my imagination, but the five star quarterback was definitely watching me.

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