Archie must have caught what I was looking at because he looked to me with a sorry look, I could see his brain processing something quick to say to distract me.

Archie: why is the sky blue? He randomly blurts out. Both Archie and I burst out into laughter. Even he knew that what he said was silly.
Betty: you're amazing Arch. I say with a chuckle.
Archie: well I don't mean to brag, but I really am. He says with a playful wink. I roll my eyes playfully as we walk to class.

We take a seat at the back and chat as we wait for the teacher to arrive. As we waited I saw Sebastian walk threw the door, it seems like I can't avoid him today. I just need to ignore him and I'll be fine.

The teacher walked into the room and began giving us work. I did the work and maintained my focus downwards.

The bell soon thankfully rang. Archie and I bolted out of class. He walked me to my locker.

Archie: don't go over board with the shopping. He says with a chuckle, I giggle.
Betty: when have I never not gone over bored with shopping. I say as we both laugh.
Archie: well anyway have fun. He says while walking off.

I closed my locker and saw Moose and Josie approaching me. They walked up to me with a smile and we all link arms with a laugh. I was in the middle, Josie was to my left and Moose was to my right.

We all got into Josie's car and we headed to the local mall. After a lot of terrible singing by all of us, we arrive at the mall.

We walk inside and we decided to look for a tuxedo for Moose first.

We walk upstairs and enter a large tuxedo shop. I was amazed at how many tuxedos there were. We were greeted by a man in his early twenties. We began looking around the place, trying to find the perfect suit for him.

We picked out a couple options for him, letting him choose which ones he liked the most.

He went into the change room and tried everything on. Each time he changed and came out so we could give him our opinions.

He came out wearing a very dark purple tux that shows of his muscles nicely, but I still think we could find a better one.

Moose: what are your thoughts? He asked Josie and I.
Josie: I like it but I think we can find a better one. She says.
Betty: I agree. He nods his head and walks back in.

He walked out again wearing a black suit.

Betty: again, it looks great but can still do better. They both nod their heads in agreement.

He comes out again wearing a dark blue suit. It looked absolutely perfect on him. If Kevin was here he'd be lost for words.

Betty: that's definitely the one, if Kevin saw you he'd die

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Betty: that's definitely the one, if Kevin saw you he'd die. I say with a happy smile. Moose laughs.
Moose: I'm pretty sure he likes me only as a friend. He says.
Betty: okay let me be honest with you guys. I know you both like Reggie and Kevin. They both blush and tilt their heads down.
Betty: and they both like you. They looked up to me and gave me a confused look.
Betty: they both asked me to set you guys up. That's why I told you guys to ask them. I say with a giggle. They were all in shock.
Betty: so trust me when I say this, they like you. I could see that they were both so happy and had giddy smiles.

Just a little Sweet Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora