Chapter 6

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Sinclaire's POV

I pulled into the parking lot of Dave&Busters , the arcade I go to whenever i'm m feeling down or just want to have a little fun.

Hopping out my car , I make my way inside , not before making sure my door were locked .


That was the question that continuously ran through my mind . Why would she do that ? She's been my bestfriend since diaper days . Fucking diaper days! Lilly even knew about my mom , and how I felt about her . She betrayed my trust , and now she'll never have it back .

Finally snapping out of my thoughts , I realize im at the counter .

"Hey Sean!" I said brightly to one of my good friends who worked here

"Hey Claire! ," He smiled , "The usual?" , He finished

"You already know it" I said giggling a little

"On the house" He said as he slid me a full card of credits

"Thanks!" I said excitedly , I secretly slipped a hundred dollar bill towards him , If he knew I was giving it to him , he'd give it right back to me.

I walked off to my favorite game , "Zombie Blasters". I held the highest score for this game . I played this game a few times before moving on to many other ones .

I played with a few other kids before deciding to leave .

As I walked through the door , I was snatched by a buff man wearing all black . I thrashed around in his arms screaming for help . The people walking by just looked at me as if I was crazy . Couldn't they see that I was struggling?

I was roughly pulled behind a corner and slammed into the wall by my neck

"Shut the fuck up" He said through gritted teeth , his voice gave me chills. Tears welled up in my eyes as I asked

"Where are you taking me" My bottom lip quivering

"To the boss" He said with a sickening grin

I was tied up and thrown in the back of a black SUV . A cloth was pressed up against my nose . The smell was sickly sweet .

"What was that" I asked in a scared voice

"Chloroform" He responded in a monotone voice

It took a few minutes for it to actually kick in . I began to feel woozy , and the van began spinning , or was I ?

Then everything went black









I woke up from a rough bump from under the van . I sat up slowly whilst wincing. My head was throbbing, it was like i'd been hit in the head with a bat.

We pulled up to what looked like a mansion , and then the van stopped . I quickly pretended like I was sleep .

The van door opened and I was roughly shaken by a warm hand . I opened my eyes , and they almost popped out of my head

"Hello Princess" He said with a devilish smirk

You'll never guess who it was

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