Chapter 2

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Sin's POV

The next day

I decided today I wouldn't go to school, it would be way to awkward. I was scared , what did he want anyways? I barely even talked to anyone . After all this time i've been to this school he never tried to talk to me so why now ?

'ugh , im so confused'

Deciding to get out of bed and do something active today , I took a quick shower and threw on a outfit with my slides. Grabbing my keys I walk downstairs and out the door to my baby. My dad got me this car for my 16th birthday.

Hopping in the car , I turn on my music and pull out of the drive way .

At the store

Walking around the store , I finally got my things . The last thing I needed was some cereal. Which was always the part I dreaded because it was always so hard to reach.

Once I get on the aisle I let out a sigh , before climbing on the buggy to grab the cereal . I leant forward reaching for the cereal before I let out a shriek. I began falling , closing my eyes to brace myself for the fall .

Right before I hit the ground, I was caught. I looked up to see the stranger who caught me . I let out a quiet gasp before quickly . Of course it would be him who caught me. I quickly straightened up.

I was about to walk away when he called my name

"Sin wait" he said . I stiffened a little.

"Sinclaire" I corrected , he looked confused , so I continued. "Only my friends call me Sin" I said throwing a quick glare and walking away

I quickly paid for my things and went home . I didnt even get my cereal .

At Sinclaire's house
"Lilliana Marie Davis, I am NOT wearing that!" I exclaimed. She'd convinced me to go to a party with her , but I was not going to wear this dress .

"Oh yes you are , now go change or we wont get any food" She said , and I stomped to the bathroom with a pout on my face .

I guess the dress did look good on me , but it shows to much skin .

'ugh whatever'

I walked out the bathroom , and Lilly let out a loud gasp.

"I told you , you'd look good!" She exclaimed dramatically, I rolled my eyes.

"Come sit and let me do your hair and makeup" She said .

"You can only do my hair , I dont wear makeup" I said firmly.

She rolled her eyes , and did as I told her . I wont lie , I did look good . We got in my car and drove to the party

Hopefully all goes well ...

Hopefully all goes well

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Her outfit;)

Crushing on The Bad Boy | BWWM Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ