'What, why? You seemed fine about it the other night, you scared you will actually have a good time?' he jokingly replied, smirking lightly remembering what had happened the other night when he asked her. She looked up through her eyelashes laughing a little at his response, but still didn't say anything.

'No but honestly, why all of a sudden? Are you actually scared or something?' He laughed while looking through the fridge for something to eat. He picked up the last couple of cocktail sausages that were thrown in there and some strawberries, still waiting for her reply. There was a brief pause, followed by another pause. After a couple of moments, her silence filled the whole apartment; and with that silence also came her response. He got his head out of the fridge and closed the door behind him, before looking back to her.

'Wait you cant really be scared to go to a party? It's just me and my mates, your not gonna die or nothing.' He stated looking at her, laughing not really understanding why she was being weird and then heading to the cupboard to pick up more food; he opened the cupboard door and grabbed the last packet of salt and vinegar crisps that were left on the side.

'Not so much scared of that' Charlie started to say, trying to retaliate but when she looked back up to sickboy, she could see the qeustioning in his face almost begging her to go on. She had a brief argument in her head about what she was about to say with him. It took her a moment, but she finally thought of what to say.

'Has renton ever told you anything about me?' She questioned at first, getting her responce pretty quickly as sickboy shook his head at her.

'We used to go the bathroom during our parents stupid parties and cook up' she began, as she moved from the kitchen to the living room, going to sit down on the sofa. She looked up to sickboy who had followed her to the sofa and sat down next to her. He seemed to have a cocky smile etched onto his face. Charlie realised that he didn't quite get the point that she was trying getting to.

'We introduced drugs to each other, I guess it was our way of getting out of our parents shitty parties. We used to sneak off all the time and get doped up, it was sort of our thing I guess; but one time when we were sneaking off in the middle of a party, I wasn't so lucky. I ended up overdosing that time and had to go to A&E. luckily for me, Renton was there to look after me and took me to the hospital without bothering our parents. They actually never ended up finding out about that, which I was grateful for. But it was weird, cause it wasn't the same after that. You'd think I'd learn my lesson and stop taking, but I couldn't - I was already neck deep into the addiction and a month later I was stopped by the police and jailed for a some time cause they caught me stealing some shit from a families home that were away on holiday or something. I was stealing for drug money and when they checked me over and checked my car, they found all the drugs I was keeping and planning on doping up on that afternoon. Strangely enough after the time in jail, when I got released and sent home, I was kicked out of my parents house and they left on the streets. They didn't want a junkie for a kid; according to them I was a disgrace to the family. So I moved out and was on the park bench for a couple weeks; that was until I moved down to London and started actually getting myself off the skag that landed me in prison the first time. In a weird sort of way, I think I was doing it for my parents; I was cleaning up my act for them. I didn't want to be the family disappointment even if I wasn't living with them anymore. Its been a while since I've ever seen any skag and I just don't know how well I'd be able to stay away from it if it was right in front of me' she finished off saying looking down to see her hands. She had been fiddling with her hands the whole time. She was scared to look up, scared of seeing Sickboys reaction. There was silence for a moment until she felt the sofa dip down as she looked up from her hands to see Sickboy moving closer to her, sitting by the side of her. He picked up her hands and placed them in his lap. She looked into his eyes and saw understand in them. She let slip a smile, happy to know that he wasn't angry at her.

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