His eyes flashed with anger and I braced myself for something horrible to happen. Instead, he stood up and stormed out of the room locking the door behind him. I released the breath I was holding and stood up finally. I rubbed my wrist as I looked out the small window. I was trying to figure out if I could squeeze myself out of it. It was small but I was determined to get out of here. I would have to wait for just the right moment. I had no idea where I was but I would find the main road and make it back to my family and friends and Matto. I just hoped that he hadn't given up on me yet. I walked over to the bedroom door and banged on it then stood back. The door opened and Hunter stood there with his arms crossed. "What do you want?" He said with hostility in his voice. I looked at him and smiled. 

"Please, I just want to take a shower and maybe some fresh clothes."

He stared at me for a few seconds then walked out and closed the door. "Ok," I said out loud. I went and sat back down on the bed and waited. After about ten minutes the door opened again but it wasn't Hunter that stood there. 

"So you want to shower and change clothes? Well, I want you. So either I have you or you can sit here in your own filth. It's that simple." Ryker's eyes were full of hate and anger and I knew that he meant what he said. He stepped into the room and walked closer to me. What was I going to do? I can't have sex with him no matter what.

 "Why do you want to sleep with me so bad? I have told you how I feel about it and you still don't respect me enough to let me be." He laughed and started to pace. 

"You don't get it, Kendra. I don't give a damn about your morels. I want you to be mine and mine forever. So what's it going to be?" I just shook my head. 

"I won't sleep with you. I don't love you and I never will now get out." He threw his hands up in frustration and slammed the door behind him. I heard him yell.

 "No food or water for two days. Let's see how she feels after that." I guess I need to make my escape soon.

Matto's POV

It's been a week since Kendra disappeared and we still had no idea where she was. It was killing me so much that I started searching alone. I was getting ready to head out when Jace approached me. "What's going on brother? I thought you wanted us to help you but yet your going out on your own." I looked at him with an apologetic look on my face. 

"I'm sorry Jace it's just I feel like I am able to concentrate better when I am alone. Honestly, though, I have no idea what to do anymore. We have searched everywhere." He looked out the sliding glass door at the city then turned back to me. 

"You need to listen Matto. If she is truly meant to be your mate you should be able to sense her, feel her, hear her. Even if she has never shifted before. It's like a sixth sense that you get when you have the one." I was a little confused at first and thought he was crazy, but I was willing to try anything.

I closed my eyes and focused on her. On her smell, her laugh everything about her. I could hear her soft voice calling my name, but it was distant. She sounded hurt and alone. It was incredible that I could hear her, but it still wasn't helping me find her. I knew she was further away than we had originally thought though. Her pain was starting to come through more and it was making me hurt. She was scared and I tried to reach out to tell her it was ok that I was coming, but I couldn't get through to her. I opened my eyes and Jace stood there patiently waiting. "She is far. Further, then we thought I could barely get a read on her. We need to go further north." He nodded and went to get Koda. I don't know why I said north it was just a feeling. Once we were ready we took the car and drove out of the city going the way I felt.

The further away from the city we got the better I could focus. We were probably about fifty miles out and all I could see was forest everywhere. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Pull over here Jace," I said. Jace stopped at the end of a dirt road in the middle of all the forest. It was definitely out of place and my feeling was getting stronger. I got out of the car followed by Jace and Koda and we started to walk up the road into the trees. Once we were far enough away from the main road I stopped and closed my eyes again. "Kendra where are you beautiful?" I said. As I focused I heard her again.

 "Matto?" She sounded confused. I could tell she didn't understand what was happening. She was definitely close and I could almost smell her.

 "Listen to me. I will explain everything later, but I need you to stay calm. I am coming I am close." I could sense her fear melt away.

"I am escaping now Matto. I just made it out of the house but I can hear Ryker."

    I felt my anger rise and I immediately shifted and took off running towards her voice and her scent. I could hear Koda and Jace right behind me. "Keep running Kendra. I am coming."  I came to a turn in the road that lead to more forest and nothing else. Where the hell is she? I stopped running and focused my energy. Just as I was about to give up I caught her scent again and this time it was mixed with panic and Ryker's scent.

 "Matto!" Her panicked voice came into my head screaming for me. I took off again and this time I ran right through the trees. She was close and her fear was overwhelming me. I came to a clearing and that's when I saw her. She was lying on the ground her clothes ripped to sheds and the black wolf of Ryker was hovering over her. The closer I got to her the more I could feel her fear. Then his voice entered my head. 

"I will make you mine whether you want it or not." He was completely unaware that I was right behind him. It was then that I knew what he was going to do and it made me sick.

    He positioned himself over her half-naked body and she screamed out again. "Please no! Stop!" I lost it. He was trying to take her human body as a wolf. His obsession was driving him crazy and I could feel it now. I lunged forward and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and flung him into a tree. 

"Stay away from her you sick piece of shit." I stood in front of her guarding her with my life. 

"How the hell did you find us?" He lashed out as he stood again.

 "It's none of your business how I found you. Just know that I will always find her." He stared me down, as I held my protective stance. I sensed Koda and Jace in the trees behind me, but I could also sense Ryker's men as well. Ryker's frustration came out. 

"I don't want to do this now. I will come for her again just know that and next time I will have more back up." He turned and ran before I could get to him. Damn it. I knew he would be back, but right now I had to help Kendra. I shifted and grabbed her in my arms. She clung to my naked body as I walked with her back to the car.

A/N:  Hey guys hope you liked this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. ❤️❤️❤️

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