Chapter 3

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A/N: The music is the music I can see playing as you read this chapter. Enjoy! If you swipe then there is a picture of the black wolf too.

Two weeks before Kendra's trip

Ryker's POV

If this bitch thinks she can just run from me and hide, she is mistaken. She has no idea of what I am capable of when I want something, and right now I want her. I sat in my cell in the hole planning my escape. I have been in this shit hole for almost six months now and it was taking everything in me to keep my cool. When I first arrived I made sure that they put me in solitary confinement. I had to unleash some of my anger, but it felt good to release the beast from within on some poor, pathetic sap. The unsuspecting victim didn't even see me coming. I chuckled to myself, as the memory of his face and the events of that day played in my head. I had beaten the man close to death, then sat there covered in his blood waiting for the guards to take me away.

The small slot in the cell door opened and a tray of garbage was pushed through. I walked over and took the tray and slipped a small piece of paper to the guard. "Deliver this for me and my man will give you the amount we discussed," I said to the guard. He didn't respond, but he took the paper and left. I looked at the disgusting food on the tray and my stomach turned. I had to keep my strength though, so I ate it. It was the vilest thing I had ever eaten. Once I was done I pushed the tray back through the hole in the door and laid back on the cot. Her face came back into my mind, as I closed my eyes and smiled at the thought of seeing her again. She was mine, she may think that it is over but I will find her and bring her back home.

    A few hours later I heard the squeaking of the slot in the door open. I looked over at it and a piece of paper slid through it dropping to the floor. The slot closed again and I walked over and picked the paper up. A smile came across my face as I read it. "I will see you soon Kendra," I said as I tore the paper up and flushed it down the toilet. Everything was set and in a few days, I would be out of this shit hole. I laid back down and let the memories run through my head. She was so perfect and innocent when I met her. She loved her friends and family, but I quickly ripped all that away from her. I played the perfect role of the kind, fun-loving boyfriend for six months. I hated it, but I had to convince her to live with me. Then I could isolate her from everyone and she would be mine and only mine.

Then the day finally came and she moved in with me. Once I had her to myself I put my plan in action. Soon she didn't talk to her friends or her family and she only went to work because I didn't want to. Even then I always had eyes on her and whenever she would talk to some guy I knew about it. I would never let anyone take her from me. There was something in her that made me want her, but I was just like any man and had needs. Kendra still wouldn't give herself to me, which was driving me crazy. So, whenever Kendra would go to work I would have someone over. That was how it worked, I could have my other bitches, but if she even looked at another man I would rip his throat out. There was one friend of hers that I couldn't seem to keep away. Audrey was always around no matter how hard I tried to keep her away. If I told Kendra that she couldn't hang out with her, she did it behind my back anyway.

Audrey was half the reason why I let my anger get the best of me that night. I had only wanted to talk to Kendra when I went over there, but then I realized that bitch had filled Kendra's head with confidence. Kendra had started to break just before she left me. Then she caught me with one of my bitches and ran straight to Audrey's house. I should have gone straight there that night and dragged her home, but I thought if she cooled off she would come back. After a few days, I tried to go over and talk to her but Audrey wouldn't let me in. I could feel the rage building inside me then, but I didn't want to unleash it yet. I wanted Kendra to come back on her own, so I left and kept trying to call her for another week. When she wouldn't talk to me I put eyes on her. I had to wait until she was alone if I was going to convince her to come back.

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