Chapter 15

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Kendra's POV

I don't know how long it's been since Ryker took me. I haven't seen much of him just his stupid henchmen. They bring me food and water but I hardly touch it. I drink the water to keep me hydrated but I refuse to eat anything because I am afraid that it may be drugged. The door opened and Hunter stood in the doorway. "I see you haven't eaten again. Look, Kendra, I know that you don't trust us but you have to eat." I just looked at him then looked away. He picked up the tray of food and walked back to the door. "Fine have it your way. I'm sure Ryker will be thrilled to know that you are refusing to eat." He closed the door behind him and I just curled up into a ball the best I could.

   I sat there and looked out the little window in the room. I was starting to wonder if I would ever get out of here. Then I let myself drift to what Ryker had said. I still wasn't sure if I believed everything he said, but I knew that there was something inside me that kept trying to come out. However, it only wanted to come out when I was around Matto. The thought of Matto made me sad. I missed him and wanted him so much. I was starting to think that I might have to get myself out of this one. I laid down on the bed and drifted off. I didn't know what was going to happen when Ryker did come back, but I didn't have the strength to care anymore.

"Wake the fuck up Kendra!" I awoke to Ryker yelling and shaking me. He was hurting me and my head was pounding.

 "Stop shaking me, Ryker," I said very weakly. He stopped and looked at me.

 "Why the hell aren't you eating?! I'm not trying to hurt you, but god help me if you don't eat I will force it down your throat." He said to me and his eyes were locked onto mine. I finally got a chance to look around the room and saw Hunter standing in the doorway with a tray of food and a smug look on his face. 'Bastard' I thought to myself. Ryker snapped his fingers and Hunter walked forward and sat the tray of food down in front of me. I looked at it and my stomach growled immediately. Ryker stood there watching me. "Eat Kendra now." I looked up at him. 

"How do I know it isn't drugged or poisonous?" I said snidely. He laughed and looked at Hunter who left the room immediately.

"If I wanted to kill you I would do it. Kendra the only reason why you got drugged the first day was because you were going to try and run. I won't do it again unless you make me. Now eat." He said to me as he walked closer. I knew I shouldn't trust him, but at this point, my body was begging me to eat. I picked up the sandwich off the tray and took a bit. It was absolutely the best thing I had ever tasted at that moment. I devoured the whole thing in a matter of minutes and Ryker stood there with a smile on his face. After I finished my food I decided to try and convince Ryker to unchain me. 

"Ryker please unchain me. I'm not going to run away. I don't even know where we are. My hands are hurting." Ryker looked at me. I could see his eyes soften and then he walked over and unlocked my chains.

   His hand rubbed slowly down my arm as he unlocked the last chain. He looked into my eyes and I found myself holding my breath. I knew what he wanted from me but I couldn't do it. I hadn't slept with him even in the few months we were together. I had been raised that sleeping with a man was a special thing that should be for the person you marry. I know it's old fashioned, but it did keep me from getting pregnant or making a decision that I would regret. He brought his lips to mine and I held back my gag reflex. If I was going to find a way out I needed to play along. I kissed him back and he started to rub his hands all over my body. I felt gross and disgusting as I let him paw me. I could feel his lust for me as his kiss deepened. He started to pull at my shirt and I had enough. I would play along but I refused to give myself to him. I pulled myself away from him. "Ryker no! I have told you before I won't sleep with anyone unless I am married."

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