The Second Christmas Special P-1

Start from the beginning

As soon as he saw us, he took shaky steps out of the door, meeting us outside. "H-h-hey D-d-da-Danny and Em-Ember. Y-your-you're her-here early." He stuttered, already looking as if he was developing frostbite when he was only outside for a few seconds.

"N-no mat-matter, com-come on! Ze-Zebby and I are al-alread-already  r-ready so w-we got-gotta head out." By now, Aster was shivering from head-to-toe. I never knew him to react so harshly to the cold. We all headed in to get Jezebel, who sat in one of the many tables. She was on her phone

"You sure you're okay? You sound a little bad." I asked, worry sloshing through my voice. I was sugarcoating it, he sounded worse than a 'little bad'. We were already at Jezzy's table when he decided to answer.

"J-just a lit-little cold, nothing t-too serious No-now come on, Zebby, we g-gotta get to the res-resort." His stuttering surely got down when he was inside, but it still worried me.

"So what's the method of transport we takin'? Cars don't look too hot about now." Ember motioned to the snow filled streets. She didn't bother to lower her mouth mask-thing so her voice was a little muffled.

"It's fine, we got it covered," Jez replied, not bothering to look from her phone as she threw something at me. I quickly caught it before it hit square-center of my face- buuuuuut we all know that wouldn't happen. I'm way too much of klutz and whatever item she threw at me, did indeed, hit me square-center of my face.

I winced as the thing fell from my face and into the ground. It hurt more than a slap on the face, yet it didn't make my nose all bloody, thankfully. I get a few 'you okay?'s from Aster and Ember, but I told them I was fine. I look down at the object; it was a key. I go ahead and picked it up, and then gave a confused look at Jezzy and Aster.

"Th-they're k-k-keys for what's out b-ba-back." Aster stuttered, speaking vague terms. Jez gets up wordlessly, still texting on her phone, and walking over to the back entrance, which was down the hallway where the bathrooms were. Aster follows her as well. At this point, both me and Ember knew that it was no point of asking questions and our best bet was to follow the duo, and that's what we did.

We stood aghast at what was put back; two wonderfully expensive-looking snowmobiles, one with a red firey design and the other decorated with checkered black and yellow. I knew that Aster's family was a bit well-off, his dad a businessman who always travels and his mom a top psychologist at Metropolis (he said his older sister basically raised him because his parents weren't around a lot).

"These are some of the sickest rides I've ever seen!" Ember remarked, practically snatching the key in my hand, threw her bags into my hand, and jumping on the first snowmobile, which was the purple-black checkered one. She stabbed the key into the ignition and turned one of the handles, hearing to engine roar. She was a practical pro with everything with an engine, except, strangely enough, cars. Put her in front of a steering wheel and she'll freeze like one of those dumb squirrels that stop in the middle of the road.

"Yup, it's our uncle's. He ent to us as long as we return it by January." Jez responded. I only noticed now that she was wearing fingerless gloves, a plaid snow jacket, a beanie, some cargo pants, high heal snowboots, and a nice, fluffy, white scarf. What astonished me the most was the only reason she wore fingerless gloves to continue texting on her phone.

"N-n-now co-come o-on, g-gu-guys! T-two ea-each on one, w-we go-got-gotta g-go to-to Fr-Fry's Wi-win-winter W-won-wond-derland R-r-res-resort b-by 4:30 pm, b-bet-better n-now the-then n-nev-never." Aster was struggling to get each word out, looking even more white than a ghost, and that's saying something. It looked at him with worry, Ember was too busy testing the snowmobile and Jez was just on her phone.

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