Chapter 27: Dumb Dipstick

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Well, basically everybody picked Danny for who yelled 'NO!' So I made sure it was not him while making this chapter!

Ember's POV

"NO!" I snapped my head at the voice, and I saw a very familiar metal man run in front of the woman. Then a bang was heard. I closed my eyes tightly.

I slowly opened them, awaiting the blood and gore in front of me.  I heard the nauseating laughter of Joker echo the room. When I completely opened my eyes, I saw Aster standing in front of Wonder Woman lady, shaking. The second thing I noticed was a flag that had 'BANG!' coming from Joker's gun. I know what's funny and not, and making someone think they're about to be killed was not funny. Yet he was still laughing.

I had a tight hold on Dipstick's arm as he tried to move towards Joker. I didn't let him budge as his fist tightened and looked as if he was going to punch Joker on his face.  Which I assumed he would. He looked back at me and glared and I flinched, but I didn't allow myself to loosen my hold. Eventually, he stopped trying to get out of my hold, and just settled to glaring at Joker.

Joker wiped a fake tear from under his eye. "Wooo, now that was some performance, kid." He lightly applauded at Aster, and Aster was still shaking with fear. "Barely anybody tries to stand up to me. Either you're brave, or really stupid. And let's be honest folks, it's probably the latter." He looked at the audience. And as they just stared terrified, he glared. Weak 'yeah' and tense nods spread throughout the room and I glared at Joker.

I peaked towards Betwixt, and he was entirely tense with a very mad expression spread on his face. I know he wanted to do something, I know that he wanted to go and protect everybody here, but I also know that he can't risk any of this. Everything he worked to build, his image, his friends, his new life, could completely be destroyed by interfering. If he ruined what he had here at this party, then it would be my fault because I wanted him to be here. I didn't want to be responsible for another screwup. He just forgave me for Ghost's sake!

"Mistah J, three minutes 'til everybody goes 'KAPUT!'" Harley giggled. 'Sick, sick, sick, sick...' the word repeated in my mind over and over as I listened to these lunatics. 

"Thanks for the reminder sweetums," Joker averted his attention to Haward, and then Wonder Lady and Aster slowly started to sink back into the crowd. I sighed in relief, but that relief was short-lived because of two other extremely buff clown henchmen picked them up and brought them back too Joker's spot near the gaping hole.  I felt Danny tense even more.

"tsk-tsk-tsk, I'm not gonna let ya off that off that easy Wonder Whiner and knight in shining tinfoil. Charlie and Glen will keep you company while I deal with little 'ol Howie." Joker once again moved his attention to Howard.

Charlie, at least I assume it was Charlie because of the giant 'CHARLIE' that was etched in the back of his shirt, had a tight grip on both of Aster's arms and Glen had a hold on the woman's left arm only. I noticed how both of them were facing Joker and were quite near the crowd that surrounded Joker and Harley. It was close enough to hit them both in the 'sun don't shine'  and not be noticed by the clown bastard. And I was sure that even Danny noticed that as well.

"Now Howie, remember what ya said last time we met. What were your words..." Joker fake-pondered. " 'I'll getcha it by the end of the week, Joker!' Those were your exact words, Greaser. And if my memory serves me right, that was an entire month ago. Now, Howie, I trust you with my life." He wrapped his arm around the terrified guy's shoulder's, barely trying to sound sincere. "But you owe me twenty-thousand, one hundred,  and fifty, and that's quite a lot. So I'll ask you nicely," Joker's expression dropped into a snarl, "Where in the god damn world is my money?"

A frightened Howard squealed, "I-I-I don't have that kind of mon-money, Jo-Joker! I sp-spent the la-last of it d-days ago!" The statement seemed to infuriate Joker.

I was feeling so much anger and my entire focus was shifted on Joker that I barely noticed that Danny slipped out of my hold. It took me a few seconds to notice the lack of Danny. I swerve my head in every direction looking for a glimpse of that black gelled-back hair, and then I saw it. Saw it right behind Charlie. Oh no.

Next thing I knew, Charlie screamed a girl-sh scream and fell to the floor with his legs tightly against each other. His hold on Aster was instantly let go and he was grabbed by a hand in the audience, a very familiar hand at that. I began to push through the shocked crowd and make my way toward Danny, completely forgetting Dick was here.

"Whoa, w-where are you going, Emily?" He yelled as I tried to get to Danny.

"I'm going to go save a dumb Dipstick!" I yelled back, not bothering to look back and focused my attention on the Betwixt and Aster who were also trying to get through the crowd. I didn't hear any other remarks from Dick, but I kept going.

"Whoo-wee! It seems like somebody here likes to play hero. So how 'bout a game of cat and mouse? Our hero's a mouse, and my clowns will be the cat and if they catch you they get to crush you!" He laughed, but his laugh was cut short when two boots hit the side of his jaw. Batman was here.

"The only thing that'll be happening is me putting you back into Arkham, Joker," Batman stated.

Joker slowly got up from the floor, wiping the blood that ran from his mouth. "Always gotta spoil the fun, Batsy. No matter, how 'bout joining in? My boys'll pummel while I go off on my merry way!" Suddenly more clown henchmen came fro the giant hole in the wall and started to attack Batman.

"Where's your little birdie, Bat? Did he finally get too old and leave the nest!" Harley taunted as he fought the henchmen.

"No time for taunts, sweetie!" Joker yelled, "We gotta go home!" Joker took Harley by the waist, got Glen to let go of the woman and hold on to Howie, and went on their merry way to through the gaping hole in the wall.

I finally caught up with Danny and Aster who were running through the doors, since the clowns in front of the doors went ahead to help pummel Batman.

"Danny! What state of mind do you have to be in to do that!" I shouted as we finally stop running and were sat in an alley. It was an old mucky alley and no homeless people were around.

"I know my actions were a little impulsive, but everything became fine in the end." He stated, and I sighed. Why did I have to befriend a dumb, impulsive, brave Dipstick?


Well, wasn't that a short and eventful chapter?

You guys still haven't answered if you wanted another Christmas special or a character Q&A, so please tell me which you want!

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